Tony Dexter

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Tony Dexter

Yorkshire artist. RNLI supporter. Nobody knows what I do, until I don't do it. Anti Tory with their sewage politics
You can tell the man by the company they keep. The Tweedles.
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Islamist does not equal Muslim. Pakistan is certainly a Muslim country. Islamist? I’m not an expert but I wouldn’t assume it is. Vance will have heard about Londistan and the Khanite “no go areas” from Farage and Truss. This was an attack line from the nutcase Tory candidate in the London election
This 👇
Islamist does not equal Muslim. Pakistan is certainly a Muslim country. Islamist? I’m not an expert but I wouldn’t assume it is. Vance will have heard about Londistan and the Khanite “no go areas” from Farage and Truss. This was an attack line from the nutcase Tory candidate in the London election
This is J Dick Vance, Trump’s running mate. He thinks the UK under Labour might be the first "truly Islamist" country with nuclear weapons. Blimey America you do have some real imbeciles. He's cuckoo
So which U.K. failure briefed the stupid JD Vance? Was it Fartage or Truss?
JD Vance is an idiot. But you all knew that already.
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Every single water company in England and Wales now facing huge sewage investigation by regulator
New image emerges of the bloke that is Trump's running mate...
Parcevall Hall, near Appletreewick, Wharfedale, North Yorkshire.
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oh this is marvelous
Academic conference-attendees everywhere find themselves involuntarily wincing in sympathy.
Vance in a Trump style voice “I was told by your fragrant, ex Prime Minister and wonderful Trump supporter Elizabeth Truss, great woman, that this is Engerland now and as you know she a great font of, font of, well she’s up there as one of the wise Tories of our age.”
Nigel 'Haw Haw' Farage - betraying Britain
Fartage new autobiography: “My life as a Traitor.”
Thanks Nige - he sounds great (NOT)
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Milwaukee Minny Truss needs help. Family help, medical help. Her lack of self awareness means her judgement is confused. Her belief she is of political significance totally wrong and her apparent need to court wayward political policies fraught with disaster. She’s not credible, simply pitiful.
Trump will never unite America because he’s already demonstrated that his politics is like a civil war. But it’s a civil war with one huge difference - Putin
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With Vance as Trump’s VP pick, you’ve seen the ultimate triumph of white rural Americans. This is a complete break with the party of Reagan, one of the most isolationist governments the US has ever had if Trump gets elected.
Exactly. Perhaps the new Government will look at how these so called think tanks can be made to be transparent? Think tanks are like fish tanks - eventually full of sewage
Kate Andrews - associate director for the shady ‘Institute for Economic Affairs’ – which bills itself as “the UK’s original free-market think tank”. But remember, it was the think tank which supported Liz Truss’s disastrous economic vision & has come under fire for an alleged lack of transparency.
“Donald Trump needs to know that I had no part in saving him. Treat me with respect you hypocrite.”
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Further EU sanctions against violent extremist West Bank settlers and those blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza
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Farage not fit to hold office. He’s just fit to stoke division and hatred.
The Tower of London has a special gate for traitors...
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Asked why he'd be in the USA shilling for Trump instead of doing his MP work in Clacton, Farage replied: “I think for the people of Clacton, avoiding World War 3 is quite important – and that’s what it’s about.”
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An untested judge appointed by Trump in his last days in office has, after slow walking the case for months, dismissed charges against him that he took top secret documents from the White House, refused to return them, and lied to the FBI and his own lawyers about it. Can an undecided voter get it?
The old early warning/listening site, Isle of Lewis