
What this comes down to is Procurement in fact has to exist, sorry.
If Procurement doesn't exist you have your widget makers and widget sellers doing procurement and they suck at it! Even if they didn't, it's a bad use of their time.
and procurement is at least clearly linked to revenue-generating output. compliance? benefits management? HR training?
HR is procurement for people, which tend to be critical to generating revenue.
I mean things like sexual harassment training, which is obviously necessary and useful but has nothing to do with what the firm in question does
Yes, the combination of facts that are operating in a society and employees interact with each other creates certain burdens.
obviously. but the analytic distinction matters for understanding how different social functions are distributed. otherwise, they remain opaque even to those who perform them.
Let me gently suggest you are using vocabulary and a level of abstraction that is keeping things opaque.
how so? it's important for people to understand why their own jobs are important, given that in many cases this is unclear from the context in which they do those jobs. it's also important for policymakers to recognize how costs and benefits are distributed.
I was trying to be polite. You're incomprehensible and interacting with your words is exhausting. And look, I'm like that all the time, I don't take it as a sign of malice.
what's incomprehensible? that people who sit in a cubicle doing boring tasks with no apparent purpose feel like they're wasting their lives, even if in fact they're doing something important? or that we could make it so this happened much less often?
So... sexual harassment training is a bullshit job? Boy I had no idea the bullshit-jobs thesis was so right-coded
thanks for deliberately misreading what I wrote. sexual harassment training is only necessary because sexual harassment exists. there is no reason for it to exist, so minimizing it is hardly a net win for the organization.
Not getting taken to the cleaners in lawsuits because they enabled rampant sexual harassment is generally pretty important to the long-term survival of a company.