
Kamala Harris isn't some perfect solution to all that ails the Democratic party. But she is basically the only other plausible option, and insisting that a white or male figure untested on the national stage is somehow a safer option is telling on your own racial and gender attitudes.
We can all debate whether America will elect a Black woman as president in the abstract, but will this electorate choose a sane, competent and centrist politician who is under the age of 60 instead of a convicted felon and chaos agent? I will take those odds.
Trump is unpopular. His policies are unpopular. He has never won the popular vote. His preferred candidates down ballot go down in flames. Democrats are on the right side of a highly motivating issue swing voters: abortion. Biden has struggled to take that fight to Trump. Harris won't.
Harris would inherit what has actually been a pretty successful presidency: a strong economic recovery, a track record of major legislation despite gridlock in Congress. She would be less tied to some of Biden's missteps, like his tone-deaf, lopsided handling of the crisis in Gaza.
Again: I am not saying she is some perfect vessel. I have read the articles about her dysfunctional management style, and I know she says loopy things that become memes (that isn't always a bad thing!). I am just saying that you could do a whole lot worse.
As appealing as President Gretch might be, I agree w/ all you've written about Harris being Democrats' only reasonable option . . . except perhaps that African Americans would feel slighted if she were passed over. Haven't Black communities & leaders seemed more committed to Biden than to Harris?
Opinion | Kamala Harris Could Win This Election. Let The vice president is the obvious path out of the mess Joe Biden has created.
Idk, I’d be pissed off about it even if I didn’t like Harris. Considering the names being thrown around as alternatives, it’s clearly not about policy but “electability”. As far as “electability,” can’t think of anyone more “electable” for non-dog-whistle who isn’t too smart to run this year.
Nobody will say they think she can’t win because she’s black, and that’s genuinely not why some of us think we can’t win, but let’s be real, that’s exactly why most people talking about this think she can’t win.