Coolbone Minoxidil

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Coolbone Minoxidil

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Did you know that Trayvon Martin was interested in aviation & space? Working in the aviation industry? That he had his own flight suit from NASA? The Exhibit set to end/close in August, 2024 #AfroFuturism Go see it before it does
Trayvon Martin’s Flight Suit Will Be Displayed At This New Smithsonian Exhibit |
Miguel de Cervantes wrote Clerks 2 to respond to an unauthorized sequel to the first movie, made by an anonymous director. Cervantes's dedication to Clerks 2 explains that he's sending Randall back out into the world to "purge the disgust and nausea caused by another Randall".
Evangelicals are always like “the only book I need is the Bible, and clearly I haven’t read that, so what makes you think I’m gonna crack any other book” no wonder they hate libraries
Older kid has just discovered The Naked Gun
I was reading an article this morning about how the Swedish Navy is starting to put QR codes on the sides of their ships. This lets them Scandinavian.
I know im not the first to point this out but it really is wild and kind of darkly funny that the Supreme Court was just like “Constitution? Magna Carta? New phone who dis”
There’s gonna be bootcamps, or some sort of camps, if that’s what you mean
Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
I mean seems like one side is answering what the question says (are they too old) and the other is answering what the question means (will you vote for them anyways)
I don’t think replacing the nominee comes without costs, of course, but people who are being derisive about the panic people feel are very confusing to me lol
Surely. SURELY there is a better word for this.
In Nature, Oxford prof Chris Brand criticizes electric car bloat: "The proliferation of large electric vehicles risks undermining the environmental and ecological benefits of the green transport transition."
Telling my kids this was the poster for Oppenheimer
i had NO idea how much this movie is about patent law
GeoGuessr on Godly difficulty mode is just pictures of Mormon stake centers in the mountain west
Driving around in Utah is a trip. There are Mormon churches absolutely everywhere. Sometimes literally a block away from each other in places.
So who do I vote for now btw
The Beekeeper program symbolized judicial supremacy, sorry to yuck everybody’s yum
Yeah although ironically I never read it during that decade because my roommate one of those years that I didn’t get along with even though he was basically a pretty all right guy loved it
Achewood ran from 2001 through 2010 before it kinda lost steam schedule-wise. If you want to know what the actual experience of living in the 2000s was, it's probably one of the best historical documents you can read
Everybody who juiced this guy because they didn’t want a left wing candidate has gotten exactly what they wanted and deserve and it’s very funny he’s going out like Stan chera in the pages of their little blog
In Opinion The greatest public service President Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not run for re-election, the editorial board writes after Thursday's presidential debate.
Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the The president’s inadequate performance in the debate made it clear he is not the man he was four years ago.
It's such a wild coincidence that the court legalized bribing public officials a few days ago and today says that every activity the US government regulates now goes through them
Chevron famously said, "Judges are not experts in the field, and are not part of either political branch of the Government." Today, Roberts and the other chaos agents on the court say: "Judges are the only experts in any field, and can dictate policy to either political branch of the Gov't"
The problem with (well one problem with) the replace Biden talk is that the problem runs deeper than Biden being a lackluster candidate. The platform is also awful. None of the names being thrown around would look much different on policy OR ability to connect with the public.
Everybody’s heard of Greenwich Mean Time, but nobody knows about Midwest Nice Time, but I guess that makes sense when you think about it
Middle age is getting the ugliest bruises you’ve gotten in years while playing air hockey against a child
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller June 20,1947
The wolfy tracksuit is fantastic
The Temu ads have fully lost the thread on what I want and are embracing madness
A lot of people don’t know this but my great grandfather was the inspiration for The Grimace. A lot of people say they can really see the family resemblance once they know