
Comparisons to apartheid South Africa often flatten one's ability to understand Israeli society but vis a vis the relationships to the regions they inhabit, South Africa's apartheid system fell in large part because the white government over extended itself in multiple simultaneous fronts of war.
Times of Israel article on agitation by Israeli far-right activists for settlement of southern Lebanon also highlights remarks by various Israeli politicians (in and out of current government) advocating invasion, occupation of Lebanon's south:
Fringe far-right conference to advocate occupation and settlement of south Uri Tzafon organization sends eviction notices to residents of Israel's northern neighbor by balloons and drone, says Jewish settlement is 'only solution to conflict in north'
With acknowledgment that an extension of the war in the Galilee and in southern Lebanon would be obviously devastating for civilians, it's hard to fathom why Israelis think this could possibly go well for them. It absolutely will not, even if it doesn't lead to the end of the occupation of the oPT.
Israel chose expansion over security - they are land-grabbers. That's what Israel does for decades, and then they masquerade as the victim. Their hypocrisy, rich and powerful lobbies (in the US, Canada & several European countries) and propaganda machine are nauseating.