
TBH if Washington thinks a US-Arab occupation of Gaza would be any more tolerable to Palestinians than Israeli occupation they're very mistaken.
I just can't believe that any Arab state would believe this and sign themselves up for that misery
There’s no way America is going to put a single boot on the ground is there? That would be nuts all around.
No, but they do intend to subsidize any Arab security force inserted into Gaza and, reportedly, will appoint a civilian "director-general" who coordinates the activities of the Arab force with the Israeli government. So, in effect, an occupation overseen by the US.
If only there was an Authority that could act as the sovereign government of Palestinian territory…
Good news my dear friend the Authority will take over Gaza at an indeterminate time in the far off future after it undergoes undefined reform!
Oh, well that’s a relief! I feel so much better now! Israelis are, by a combination of malice or stupidity, creating the continued conditions that weaken their polity & empower the lunatic fringes. I get that because they’ve drunk their own propaganda It’s the US & Arab states I’m flummoxed by
They're calling the wrong group ‘messianic’ as an insult
Yes I get that. Was just double checking. I doubt any Arab security force would be competent though. Sounds like a mess
I think the biggest frustration is that you do need a government to administer the territory and the current government, Hamas, had shown themselves unable to resist using their own civilians as shields, so you need someone to replace them with at least some credibility with the public.
Sure, and the easiest way to do so would be to hold elections in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza since they are, despite attempts by others to insist otherwise, one indivisible territorial unit. A US backed Arab occupation is about as credible as the Israeli occupation.
Ultimately the problem is less so about the mechanism, I basically agree that a transitional security and governing force will be necessary, but unless said transitional force is given an explicitly temporary mandate that leads into a timebound, specified political emancipation, it will fail.
Yeah, ultimately, the lack of a credible potential interim government means either leaving Hamas effectively in place, giving Israel pretty much an out for any agreement, or another group that Gazans are unlikely to respect.
Do you think an Arab/US occupation would be more interested in eventually ceding control than Israel would? I feel like the Arab states have fewer reasons to want to hold onto the land indefinitely, but maybe I’m being naive.
The Arab states that the US are courting continue to insist that they'll only do this for the West if the Israelis concede to Palestinian statehood across the whole of the occupied territories including East Jerusalem. My fear is that the US will coerce them into abandoning this condition.
I do seem to recall that, in the recent past, there were attempts to hold elections and a certain North American country dissuaded the PA from them.
This seems like it would be pretty politically destabilizing for any Arab partner participating in this plan