
Bucking pressure from the Biden administration, the new Labour government of the United Kingdom is expected to drop its objections to ICC arrest warrants being issued against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. The UK will also contemplate whether to restore funding to UNRWA in the near future.
Labour expected to drop challenge to ICC over Netanyahu arrest Exclusive: UK government appears unlikely to go ahead with legal bid, while Keir Starmer has spoken with Israeli PM over Gaza ceasefire
It is insane that somehow Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant should somehow be immune from International Law
The new attorney general Starmer appointed seems to be a really good choice. I know way too many lefties want to whine and moan because Starmer got rid of their favorite Corbyn but so far i don't see any issues with him since winning the election . Words don't matter actions do.
UK appoints new attorney general critical of Israeli rights Richard Hermer strongly opposed the anti-BDS bill and was among the Jewish lawyers urging Israel to respect international law in Gaza