
Turkey is in a special spot tho and they've be doing this absent US pressure because the goal is repatriate Syrian refugees and that's driven by domestic pressures w/in Turkish politics, not so much something that we can make them do
True it's more so a thing with the Gulf states
And of course ultimately this is something these states choose to do themselves. It is a testament to how little the Arab powers in particular cared about the revolution (obviously) that it took a little over a decade for people to accept the "permanence" of the Assad egime.
I think they cared a lot about the resolution tbh, just that there was a lot going on simultaneously and they wanted to prioritize their own states/backyards like with the GCC intervention against Qatar/Yemen War/Libya etc. Especially once the Russians intervened
Egypt was in its own internal strife and the other Arab states were trying to hold together because of their own fears. And they had ISIS to worry about too once the ebb happened. The Syrian regime was relatively "strong" until the disasters of 2015 in Idlib