Distribute Aid

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Distribute Aid


Powering grassroots aid movements at scale with open source supply chains & tech.

they/them (or we/us if you're really cool)


Swedish charity # 802521-4456
Check out DA's June Overview! 🌟🕊️
26 pallets of soap bars donated by SoapWorks via Glasgow Caring City are en route to Christian Refugee Relief in the Netherlands, who will distribute them to partners in Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and France. Delivery updates coming soon! 📦🌍
We are thrilled to announce a major donation from LifeStraw: reusable menstrual pads, water filters, and more. These goods will be air-shipped to Gaza, aiding communities affected by the conflict. DA thanks thanks LifeStraw for donations, and ALANaid for free shipping support! 🕊️🚚
Join our Gulf Coast Response! Distribute Aid and ALAN are teaming up to prepare aid for Gulf Coast disasters before they hit. We need warehouse space across the region to store 10-20 pallets of aid, for at least 1 year. If you have any clues, contact [email protected]! 🌊⛑️
Big shoutout to our logistics partner, @flexport, who recently featured our work and collaboration in this article. We couldn't be more grateful to the Flexport.org team for all of their support with humanitarian shipments over the years. Full article: www.flexport.com/customers/di... 🤝🚚
www.flexport.com Distribute Aid is a nonprofit organisation working to move humanitarian aid to where it is needed most, efficiently and with a low carbon footprint. They offer support to a huge network of grassroots organisations working in Europe and the Middle East.
Join us for a special event with Alanaid and Flexport this Thursday, June 27 at 3:00 pm EST/12:00 pm PST. DA's Director of Development, Taylor Fairbank, will share commentary on "International Compliance Do’s and Don’ts". Register here to join: americanlogisticsaidnetwork.cmail20.com/t/y-l-mjlbjy...
World Refugee Day honors millions forced to flee due to conflict or persecution. Despite numbers rising to 120 million by this April, global attitudes remain challenging. Today urges recognition, support, and advocacy for refugees' rights. 🕊️
We Did It!! 🎉 We have successfully reached our goal of $10,000! Thank you so much for your support!! But even though we have reached out initial goal, you can still support our campaign so that we can go above and beyond for Anera and the displaced Palestinians in Gaza. 🕊️
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Yall were almost there, and we still qualify for matching donations all weekend!! Let's get this aid shipped to Gaza. 💞💸💕 www.launchgood.com/v4/campaign/...
Join us in making a difference! 🌟 Over $500,000 worth of aid ready to be distributed to displaced Palestinians in Gaza!! - $20 offers comfort and dignity with new shoes! - $50 ensures vital menstrual care for 25 women! - $100 serves 1,000 meals!! Keep donating! Keep sharing! 🕊️
Send Meals and Essential Aid to Gaza! | LaunchGoodwww.launchgood.com Make a positive difference this Dhul Hijjah!
Distribute Aid aims to support displaced people globally, not just in Gaza. A generous donor will match your donations up to $10,000 to assist refugees in Lebanon, Bosnia, France, Greece as well. And the new Field Coordinator program will allow this. Keep donating! We appreciate your support. 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
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More than 1 million people in Gaza could be facing starvation by July, with over 70% of the population facing food shortage currently. We are sending over 150,000 food containers to Anera to help streamline food distributions. Keep donating! Keep sharing! We appreciate your support. 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
More than 1 million people in Gaza could be facing starvation by July, with over 70% of the population facing food shortage currently. We are sending over 150,000 food containers to Anera to help streamline food distributions. Keep donating! Keep sharing! We appreciate your support. 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
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With $4,000 already raised we are almost half way to reaching our goal of $10,000!! Any donation received from today until Sunday (16/06) will be matched by a generous donor! Your one donation will have a double impact!! Keep donating! Keep sharing! We are grateful for your support! 🕊️
With $4,000 already raised we are almost half way to reaching our goal of $10,000!! Any donation received from today until Sunday (16/06) will be matched by a generous donor! Your one donation will have a double impact!! Keep donating! Keep sharing! We are grateful for your support! 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
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If you can't donate, I encourage you to contribute by spreading the word. This can mean a simple share here, on bluesky or messaging a few friends and loved ones. Maybe send one of those fliers to them and tell them to do the same if they feel like it. I'm grateful for all the help we can get ❤️
I've been working hard on comm. designs for a campaign by @distributeaid.org aiming to send humanitarian aid to Gaza lately. If you can afford it, please donate so the $500.000 can reach the people that so desperately need it! Every donation counts no matter how small.
Send Meals and Essential Aid to Gaza! | LaunchGoodwww.launchgood.com Make a positive difference this Dhul Hijjah!
Reposted byAvatar Distribute Aid
I've been working hard on comm. designs for a campaign by @distributeaid.org aiming to send humanitarian aid to Gaza lately. If you can afford it, please donate so the $500.000 can reach the people that so desperately need it! Every donation counts no matter how small.
Send Meals and Essential Aid to Gaza! | LaunchGoodwww.launchgood.com Make a positive difference this Dhul Hijjah!
There is 1,8 million people displaced in Gaza, and the basic necessity of clean clothes becomes a luxury. Access to clean water is limited. Over 1,5 million people in Gaza have contracted infections, and skin diseases. Keep donating! Keep sharing so that we can send new clothing and shoes to Gaza🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
Hospitals and ambulances in Gaza are a regular target. Medical supplies are scarce due to high injury rate, and limited import. Over 700,000 women lack proper menstrual hygiene items, leading to health risks and psychological distress. We can provide some relief! Keep donating! Keep sharing! 🕊️
Reposted byAvatar Distribute Aid
Join us in making a difference! 🌟 Over $500,000 worth of aid ready to be distributed to displaced Palestinians in Gaza!! - $20 offers comfort and dignity with new shoes! - $50 ensures vital menstrual care for 25 women! - $100 serves 1,000 meals!! Keep donating! Keep sharing! 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
DA's front line partner, Anera, has been providing support to anyone affected by the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. Any amount you donate in the next 7 days will get us one step closer to being able to send the much needed humanitarian aid from USA to Anera. Keep donating! Keep sharing! 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
Reposted byAvatar Distribute Aid
Donations for both @noorhassan.bsky.social 's family & @distributeaid.org 's mission sent! I was very fortunate with business, and was able to donate 30 to each fund I contributed 20 more from my personal funds to make it enough for the menstrual products kit THANK YOU #DentonTX YALL did this
Now this is some real #solidarity! A queer American selling art and sharing the profits with Palestinians and a European grassroots aid org. Everyone give @ovaettr.gay a boost, and show up to support them if you're near #DentonTX.
🌈TONIGHT🌈 MY BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR! I'll see yall locals at #DentonTX Night OUT Near the Square at the civic center! 10% of my profits will be split between @distributeaid.org & @noorhassan.bsky.social / @sonofnoor2.bsky.social Handing out plenty of freebies! See ya soon! #artshop #events
Reposted byAvatar Distribute Aid
🌈TONIGHT🌈 MY BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR! I'll see yall locals at #DentonTX Night OUT Near the Square at the civic center! 10% of my profits will be split between @distributeaid.org & @noorhassan.bsky.social / @sonofnoor2.bsky.social Handing out plenty of freebies! See ya soon! #artshop #events
Join us in making a difference! 🌟 Over $500,000 worth of aid ready to be distributed to displaced Palestinians in Gaza!! - $20 offers comfort and dignity with new shoes! - $50 ensures vital menstrual care for 25 women! - $100 serves 1,000 meals!! Keep donating! Keep sharing! 🕊️
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
Help Us Send Aid To Gaza!! 🕊️ Support our campaign by either scanning the QR code, or following the link: distributeaid.org/send-aid-to-... !! Every donation matters. We appreciate your continued support!
DA is looking to team up with businesses who would like to donate part of their profits, and other people/initiatives who have creative fundraising ideas to support our upcoming fundraiser from June 7th! Reach out to us at [email protected], and make a positive difference this June! 🕊️
We are happy to announce the departure of humanitarian aid from Utah, USA to Beirut, Lebanon as part of our Gaza Response! Lifting Hands International has worked with Anera to put together hygiene, school, and women’s kits for easy distribution to people in need.
DA acted as a Logistics Advisor for @katalyst.kitchens, advising on the shipment of 244 solar panels from Germany to Moldova, with Frach Collective as an advisor. The panels will provide stable,, and renewable, electricity for Katalyst's Resource Center to support Ukrainian refugee families.
Gaza Response Context Highlight! Since late 2019, Lebanon has been recovering from a devastating economic collapse which lead to high unemployment and food insecurity. Displaced Palestinians in Lebanon are living in overcrowded camps, and cannot get a citizenship nor a work visa.
New Project Announcement!!! 🌟 Today, we want to make an official introduction of "The Gulf Coast Aid Pre-Positioning" program!