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Bringing my whole self to the apocalypse.

Director of Growth
trust + supplychains + tech = maybe a future
he/they, often a newcomer

The world we live in is awful, but the one we're building is worth it.

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If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
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So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
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people realize that discord is not archived and it's not gonna be around forever, right? like, 5, 10 years of tech support answers are gonna be gone like tears in the rain
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Essentially the one way to measure climate change impacts is measure death rates, averages, median for middle to lower income populations. We live in same climate but a lot more organ systems breaking down in one population. Cancer/covid rates ⬆️, but heart & lungs are very stressed by heatwaves ☀️☀️☀️
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In the 1920s, the writer Fanny Hurst had a marriage contract with her husband that was renewable every five years. They had separate apartments. And she only allowed him to see her three nights a week. A WOMAN OF VISION.
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Any serious effort to build a functional US welfare state will require the federal government to set up bureaucracies to bypass reactionary state governments for this sort of thing. Seems like we should have learned this lesson after Medicaid expansion a decade ago, and yet, here we are again!
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
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The State Department’s top intelligence official is warning that the war in Gaza is bolstering recruitment among terrorist organizations and providing “inspiration for lone actors” furious over the United States’ staunch support for Israel.
Gaza war a recruiting boon for terrorists, U.S. intelligence Anger at the United States over its role in Israel’s war in Gaza has galvanized terror groups globally, the State Department’s top intelligence official says.
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France (European territory), snap national parliament election today: ➤ Registered voters: ~49,500,000 ➤ Electoral system: 2-round, single-member constituencies ➤ 500 runoffs for 577 seats, including 89 three-way and 2 four-way runoffs ➤ Polls open: 08:00-19:00 CEST (some cities 08:00-20:00 CEST)
France - Europe National Parliament Composition National Poll Average This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national polls collected in France.…
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Final round of parliament elections in France. The fascists hope to get 289 seats and a majority, but many left-wing and liberal candidates have stood aside after the first round, so fingers crossed we avoid state power falling into the hands of the far-right. Exit poll in about 12 hours.
🔴Live: Polls open for second round of France's snap legislative Polls open in the second and final round of France's snap legislative elections on Sunday with more than 500 seats still up for grabs in the lower-house National Assembly. The vote will also determine...
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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for no particular reason today it just seems like a really good time to repost that post I made rounding up the research that says the MCAS antihistamine protocol appear to help for both COVID prevention and for avoiding long COVID if you get it
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Republicans will use climate collapse as a weapon and a tool for ethnic cleansing and white power hegemony. It will be used as a justification for atrocities at a scale never before seen if they take power this fall.
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"Sometimes it’s difficult even to bring into Gaza wheelchairs, crutches, and hearing aids, because some of them are put on the dual use list. The problem is that we’re not even getting the list, so we don’t even know. "
"Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.” The war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled people.
How the war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled “Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.”
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“In 20 years from now when the politics have moved on, today's leaders are gone, and this conflict is relegated to history, this is what will still matter. Amputees, hostages, human victims of the conflict and their families who will suffer for decades.”
"Sometimes it’s difficult even to bring into Gaza wheelchairs, crutches, and hearing aids, because some of them are put on the dual use list. The problem is that we’re not even getting the list, so we don’t even know. "
You can tend to the flame, I'll worship the ashes.
Starting to learn Shibari and I'm just like... these are sailing knots but for a person. 👀
Random thought: A lot of conflict on here is characterized by people wanting to be right more than they want to help. And that pattern seems unproductive at best and dangerous at worst to me.
i'm not even trans but i still have to remember hrt every night 😭 (my girlfriend is very forgetful)
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Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
counterpoint: being a cop is always a terrible trait, in anyone
being a cop might not be a terrible trait in a candidate right about now.
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critical point: quietly waiting to see what develops does not have a chilling effect on future victims’ willingness or safety in coming forward!
My personal feeling is that in cases of sexual assault "I'm going to wait to see what else develops" is a fine, but if you loudly announce that what you're seeing is inadequate and not enough and should not be believed by anyone, that's not waiting to see what else develops.
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If you "want to wait for more evidence" you can just stfu and do that. Being loud about it just makes you look like you're running interference...
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New: US and UK slammed by bad surges nationwide, CDC quietly acknowledges covid isn't seasonal and recommends layered protection (after 4+ years of us begging them to), video of an experimental long covid body scan at UCSF, Stevie Nicks masking, and more:
Pandemic Roundup: July 4, 2024 | Violet Get more from Violet Blue on Patreon
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It took 14 years to destroy Britain. It won’t be repaired in five minutes. It will take years of economic stability to afford the infrastructure repairs needed across a range of public services. While we’re waiting, we need to fight off the right wing. So roll your sleeves up.
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Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead