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I create and enjoy: electronic music, games (all), writing, food and love. He/him; ally; technologist and adopter of good ideas, cool stuff, and dogs.
So, I’ve been offline for 5 or 6 days, I miss anything important?
Reposted byAvatar Djaii
Reposted byAvatar Djaii
As of right now, I am maintaining six lists of musicians of any genre, for a total of over 250 bands and artists. Ther is bound to be something for your taste!
Bands, Artists and Musicians on Blue Sky Join the conversation
Live your best life! No matter what that is!
Liminal post storm views from a vast industrial space I found in Edmonton, AB (Canada 🇨🇦). About 10:20 p.m. and not a single soul in sight. It was eerily quiet (except for the massive train rolling slowly past making an elemental low frequency rumble). #liminal #canada #spooky
I have a weird feeling that very few of these Friday’s are going to feel good while the architects of Project 2025 toil in the hopes that we succumb to apathy and implode.
Reposted byAvatar Djaii
Project 2025 is terrifying. The people behind it are also weird. Meet John McEntee, who ran personnel for Trump's White House. He also runs a shady "dating" app for lonely MAGA men. The marketing for the app is more pathetic than you're imagining.
Project 2025 leader John McEntee founded an app to hustle cash from lonely MAGA In Trump world, there's always money to be made by sowing the destruction of American society
Today in “Not The Onion” - I give you Kevin Fucking Bacon. Dafuq he thought being a nobody was like? Smooth sailing? No Kevin, every-fucking-thing is a constant joy obliterating struggle. Welcome to reality. Muppet.
‘This sucks. I want to go back to being famous’: Kevin Bacon’s experiment as a ‘regular person’ The actor wore prosthetic teeth, nose and glasses to experiment with anonymity – but found queueing and a lack of adoration challenging
Reposted byAvatar Djaii
Reposted byAvatar Djaii
Can we say the obvious? Trump is a deranged freak who is using the sickest theocratic freaks alive to enact revenge on everyone who isn’t a slimy, rich date raping suck up or their wives. In comparison to anyone, he is mentally unfit and only has supporters who want to do mentally unfit things.
Reposted byAvatar Djaii
Working on new track “b Centauri b” for the upcoming EP- Observational Telomeres. The acoustic panels are about half-constructed, and the install wraps up next week. After that, production can really get underway again! With a little extra work, I might be ready to release as early as August.
Nothing quite like that awesome feeling with you lovingly build or restore something to 100% tip top working condition only to have all of that effort completely destroyed in 1 second when it is dropped onto the floor. It's the sense of pointlessness of doing anything now. Good times.
To the surprise of ABSOLUTELY NOBODY WHO IS INFORMED, fuck these theocrat clowns.
The Pro Life Party at work “Infant deaths surged 12.9% in Texas compared with 1.8% for the rest of the country after the state in 2021 enacted a strict abortion ban with no exceptions for birth defects.”
Study links spike in infant deaths to Texas abortion Infant deaths spiked after Texas enacted a strict abortion ban with no exceptions for birth defects.
Shots from the harbour. It was strange and peaceful.
Beautiful day to be in the Bay. Just outstanding weather.
This monster eats other monsters for breakfast. Holy fuck, getting it off the line with a stiff clutch and close to 700 horsepower is no mean feat. This Roadrunner is what’s mean. Bad to the bone. Check out the fat boots on her rear.
ΛCDM is getting lots of plays on SoundCloud. If you're into trance, or music production, I'd love it if you'd give it a listen. My favorite part isn't the number of listens, it's the map that shows what countries the song has been played in. Big shout out to Australia (and I have no idea why)!
A (mostly) finished version of ΛCDM is uploaded to my SoundCloud. If you thought the draft was interesting and would like to see the finalized arrangement I’d love for you to take a listen (and reshare!) - thanks for the listens and support!
ΛCDM (test print) This should be closer to the final product - improved upload of new track ΛCDM that will appear on an upcoming EP Observational Telomeres.
The design is finally complete and building is set to start as soon as materials arrive!!!! I’m on fire here. #studioBuild2024
Feeling pretty great being back in San Francisco for a short stint.
This is a movie we deserve. Cochon the Barbarian.
But THIS I'm actually excited for... #ATARI #YARSREVENGE #YARSRISING
It's time to move on from Google. I'm evaluating Proton Mail currently and starting to see why it makes sense to pay for an email account. I can't remember the last time I used Google to search for something. Weirdly, BING (yeah, I know about MS shenanigans) has been better for search.
How shall I celebrate an awful terrible no good day at the office? Hmmm…. Still have to work again tomorrow, so that removes most of the really gonzo or psychedelic stuff. What to do….
A (mostly) finished version of ΛCDM is uploaded to my SoundCloud. If you thought the draft was interesting and would like to see the finalized arrangement I’d love for you to take a listen (and reshare!) - thanks for the listens and support!
ΛCDM (test print) This should be closer to the final product - improved upload of new track ΛCDM that will appear on an upcoming EP Observational Telomeres.
Also definitely a cover for a track that’s got minimal techno vibes.
📷 Paul Roberson