
That if he doesn't drag Trump across the finish line, it'll be the start of a final decline for conservatism as a political concept and that the Republicans will never hold the presidency again thanks to their compound failures becoming impossible to ignore.
Genuinely curious what the hell john roberts was thinking
These are not actions you take if you think your movement has a legitimate chance of maintaining power via overwhelming popular support.
Which has the strong possibility of causing a self fulfilling prophecy, that if this blows up in their face, they will have caused the very thing they were avoiding. And be much worse off than if they let it sputter out gracefully.
Really excited about the hugely expanded powers for Presidents Biden and Harris!
Does it? I’m trying to think positively about this, because I do agree and it would be hilarious, but it’s still a big assumption.
The best thing Biden could do right now is hold a press conference to thank the Supreme Court and promise to use his broad new powers wisely.