
The Moderate Centrist Brain™️ is fascinating to behold. Zero historical knowledge or political understanding. Just pure vibes and dogshit takes.
This is what I don’t understand about American politics. It feels like Democrats fight like hell over a very small sliver of the voter demographics who mostly don’t like them anyways, and completely ignore a much larger pool of voters who would be an easier sell.
I am a socialist in that leftmost block, became a Biden supporter because he delivered BIG on several of my top priorities. In return, leftists gave him even worse poll numbers. So I think the answer to "why don't Dems try" is because "we don't reward them when they do so why would they?"
Like if you told me in 2019 that Joe fucking Biden of all people would deliver gamechanging investment in climate action, pull US troops out of Afghanistan, and turn the NLRB into a radical pro-union shop that passed the most vicious anti-strikebreaking rules since FDR, I'd have laughed. But he did!