
i never considered the labor aspect of train engineers accidentally helping people commit suicide as part of their job but man that’s grim
NW newest episode of Evil
A Comrade of mine drives suburban/regional trains for a living. They got their own in-house therapists, because having to scrub the remains of yet another human body off your train's underbody is just another day at work for them. It's grim for sure.
I remember trying to do some kind of report on deaths on the subway and reading that our subway system doesn't report how many suicides there are because there's so many that they think it would cause more people to do it. Truly dark stuff.
"Nope, ain't got an inkling of how many people have thrown themselves in front of our trains within the past business year, because, uuh... whatever, have you ever read Goethe's Werther?" Tell me it's been appallingly many without telling me how many it's been, this is... let's call it impressive.