
I'm fairly convinced about this. Biden agreeing to not run and staying on until January 2025 seems ideal.
Biden ending his campaign is one thing; Biden *resigning* would mean: a) endless GOP House "investigations" on Kamala Harris "covering up" Biden's mental state; b) the GOP House and broken Senate both have to confirm the new VP, they won't, and GOP will blame Dems. It's simply not a viable plan.
would give VP time to campaign
I think a huge factor is that Harris would *all of the sudden have to begin running for president*, which seems like a pretty big time commitment when you’re practically starting from zero. Kinda better if she’s not also figuring out being president at that same time. (Also all of this sucks!)
So strange to be asked to figure out which path is good!
Same, and it's weird to me that everyone is so resistant to this idea. He'll stay on for 6 more months. Not for 54 more months. Entirely reasonable to distinguish between those two commitments.