
I doubt a doctor who only has White House patients cares about a review page. Sure, some people take things too far on the Internet.
Dr Cannard appears to be a private doctor who was consulting with the WH on the Parkinson’s executive order. He’s not employed by the WH.
What the WH has said is that he was there consulting on some treatment. It hasn't said it was related to legislation, though it's possible. Biden also has peripheral neuropathy and mobility issues, which I believe that doctor also does. And they could have checked him for Parkinson's and he doesn't
Even though I'm pro-replace Biden, I do think this probably isn't a big thing.
How does that jibe with the physician appearing at the WH on days that Biden wasn't present? (I don't think it should be inferred he was involved with the HR2365 bill, which was perfunctory nothingburger legislation that barely does anything)
If there's a connection between this doctor's visits and Biden's health, the NYT has a duty to report more than when-smoke-there's-fire insinuations, so to me the big takeaway in this matter is the NYT is operating on-tilt and is willing to let their journalistic guard down for anti-Biden fodder
Consulting on care? Doctors on a team chat without each seeing patients.
It's plausible I guess, but then they should have the facts or don't report it The only facts in the whole story are about that this person went to the WH according to public logs, and met with some liaison and a person called Joshua Simmons whom the NYT couldn't identify but ran the story anyway