New tone just dropped
At least Trump will now be on a level playing field whenever he goes to Australia.
Beverly Hills Cop 4 looks about five times better than roadhouse
Yes by all means protest vote against Biden for his poor handling of Israel/Gaza. I'm sure the other guy will be much better.
Worth every penny this brainiac is paid
NASA: patches a broken chip 15 billion miles away. Microsoft: patches your local desktop introducing four new zero days and a memory leak. - Does Gina Carano have good counsel?
This thread is for the folks still denying that Hamas raped people on October 7. Don't read the images or this Sunday Times article if details of the evidence of widespread rapes/atrocities are going to be too disturbing. In fact, don't read them at all unless you need to. It's bad.
Blows my mind that I have to say this, but if you are a professor and you’ve just tested positive for covid, DON’T GO TEACH YOUR SEMINAR IN PERSON THE NEXT DAY — let alone demand that your immunocompromised students attend class. You are not remotely that important. Not remotely.
Gavin Newsom is savage
Dial of Destiny was excellent. Haters be damned
End of feed.