
OpenAI CTO Mira Murati: “Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place if the content that comes out of it is not very high quality.”
Roundup: OpenAI says some artistic jobs shouldn’t Read to the end for a good overview of failing social media platforms
Not the main point, but the industrial strength metonymy is surreal: 'content', that may be 'high quality', 'comes out of' 'jobs' which are just somehow 'there', but need not be. What is this content? whose quality? how did those jobs get there? does anyone do them? All the people have disappeared.
I think this is one of the main points: these folks desemanticize and instrumentalize "creativity," "intelligence," "reason," "content," "quality," etc.
It's amazing how different a connotation you can give to the same ideas when you actually value art. jobs will go away > artists will lose their livelihood low-quality content > art that does not appeal to Big Tech