
Wow, when you put it like that, "the nation's history and traditions" just seems like just a fancy way to formalize historical bigotry and repression
This week, Uganda's Constitutional Court upheld a law that makes homosexuality punishable by death. To justify it, the Court cited the US Supreme Court opinion in Dobbs as an example of using "the nation's history and overrule the broader right to individual autonomy"
This is from the summary of the decision that the court publishes (a lot of foreign and international courts do this; it's like the syllabus of a SCOTUS decision). Anyone who wants to read the full decision, including its discussion of Dobbs, can find it here:
Hon. Fox Odoi & 21 Others v Attorney General & 3 Others (Consolidated Constitutional Petition 14 of 2023; Consolidated Constitutional Petition 15 of 2023; Consolidated Constitutional Petition 16
Really surprised to hear that about a decision that cited as a persuasive historic perspective a non-american jurist who also argued that witches certainly must exist because witchcraft was criminalized.
And funny how the nation’s history excludes the last 50 years. But Uganda’s court also sees zero international consensus on LGBTQ rights, so it’s good at overlooking inconvenient truths.
What RepubliCons do best, spreading their hate all over the world of how superior America is; like Britain used to do. They are a bit slow...