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Feeling my way around blsky. Cats lover. Lived through 50 years of GOP deconstructing a country designed for culturally diverse, community view, all people's vision.
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Obviously the decision rests with Biden but this increasingly feel like a race between Democratic elite defection and polling suggesting Biden can still win. If the latter is more robust than the former Biden stays the nominee. If not… hoo boy.
4 more senior Dems call on Biden to stand down from reelection Other Democrats also expressed concerns with the president's prospects during a private Sunday call.
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Gotta believe that Trump will get pressure from those in his administration, Congress, and especially SCOTUS to impose sanctions and cut treaties with countries that reject fascist parties in elections
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Until Trump and Biden BOTH simultaneously undergo a medical exam by a panel of neurologists on live TV I don’t want to hear it
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If you have actual evidence that Biden has Parkinson's like e.g., lab results, put up, if you only have speculation however degreed, shut up. This is actually really easy.
hoo boy gonna be a big fucking thumbs' down from me on LGM publishing breathless speculation about biden having parkinson's based on the speculation of doctors who know good and goddamned well that they can't and shouldn't try to diagnose people who aren't their patients through the fucking tv
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My biggest concern is for what, exactly, does Trump’s adviser/s want to kick off nuclear testing? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s talk in his circle about potentially using nuclear weapons if Trump re-takes the WH, & they may already be putting targets on certain “enemies”. Dangerous stuff.
First, a return to explosive nuclear testing by USA would likely result in most other nuclear states explosively testing. USA has most extensive, & best instrumented, test record & thus most to lose. 2nd, good luck finding a test site b/c Las Vegas has grown enormously & made Nevada not usable.
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"It is in the best interest of our country and the world that President Joe Biden step aside and allow Vice President Kamala Harris to carry forward his agenda as our Democratic nominee," says Tampa City Councilman Alan Clendenin, an influential DNC delegate.
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The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
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If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
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Republicans knew Reagan was leaking brain goo everywhere and supported him anyway. Same with Bush Jr.’s low mental performance. Republicans will never care that their kings are mad, they just want their king.
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
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GOP candidate for NC governor is a conspiracy nut who thinks: - 9/11 was an inside job - the moon landing was fake - "SERIOUSLY skeptical” JFK was assassinated Please donate to Democrat Josh Stein and please share this link! https://secure.actbl...
North Carolina is in play! Support Josh Stein for Governor! Show your support with a contribution.
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Remember when Bernie Sanders was going to win the nomination in 2020 and then every major media outlet (and almost every other candidate) teamed up to back Biden just to make sure Bernie lost
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Donald Trump is not a man with friends, the closest one he had - AG Barr had to ‘suicide’. Even had to bury all their cool pics together in the first wife’s casket. He glances over at the mound of dirt by the 1st tee & wistfully remembers the good times they once had. He & Jeff that is… -Noel Casler
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NATO again lives in dread for its future. Partly this is owing to external threats, but mainly it is because of the internal convulsions that will result if sceptics such as Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen come to power 👇
Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen will haunt NATO’s 75th birthday Threats to Western alliances lie both within and without the club | International
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Early Voting will begin in a couple of months. November Elections are a Long and a Short Time Ahead for the Democratic Party. A Long Time For Biden to Have a Bad Day! A Short Time to Replace Him! Using Biden is Like Playing Russian Roulette with A Fully Loaded Gun! Bang Democracy is Dead!
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Looks typo from CNN. I ask you, is President Biden an “it”. I think they should shut down their news organization.
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Are you Ridin' with Biden in 2024? Let President Biden and Vice President Harris know you're with them! Make a donation to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign today and please share this link👇 https://secure.actbl...
Are you Ridin' with Biden 2024? Show your support with a contribution.
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@WSJ: From @WSJopinion: Who would have thought President Biden chose a Vice President so unpopular that she would be insurance against Biden being forced out of a second term?
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When has Trump sat for a real interview recently, with a non-right-wing outlet? Just asking, given all the pearl clutching about the Stephanopoulos interview and Sulzberger & Baker's self-pitying Timesian butthurtedness
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Pete Buttigieg BRILLIANTLY explains why conservatives behave the way they do & how MAGA extremism harms people more than it could ever help. Sec Buttigieg articulated more intelligent ideas in 2 minutes than Donald Trump has uttered in 20 years. A breath of fresh air!
Dream for America (@dream.foramerica) on WATCH: @PeteButtigieg BRILLIANTLY explains why conservatives behave the way they do & how MAGA extremism harms people more than it could ever help. Pete Buttigieg articulated more intelligent ideas.....
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Was trying to murder his VP an "official act?"🤣😱💀
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If for any reason Joe Biden can't complete a 2nd term, we know who will take over. Her name is Kamala Harris and America already voted for her once. If Donald Trump can't complete a 2nd term, we have no idea who will take over because he TRIED TO HAVE HIS LAST VP MURDERED.
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Anyway, I'm all in favor of talking about the moral import of the alleged crimes. Trump and Bannon did or allegedly did defraud Trump's supporters. That seems bad. Trump cheated to get and try to keep office. Seems super bad.
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BREAKING: Aides report that Biden is increasingly showing signs of Irishness