
I do this with a lot of new bands I find of multiple genres. I found an An-Cap Christian Nationalist Pop-Punk band and that combination of words made me nauseous
Oh god, what's the name? I feel like listening to absolute dogshit today
it was on my spotify discover weekly like 2 weeks ago but I remember they were out of Arizona as well if that helps? I blocked them from appearing on my spotify so I'm not sure
Yeah that seems like the healthiest response ngl
Is this a common problem?? I've never had a band I listen to turn out to be evil. The metal community is generally very inclusive
There’s a ton of edgy metal artists with shitty politics, and straight up fascists unfortunately aren’t uncommon especially in Black Metal. Even pretty big ones, for example, Dagon of Inquisition is a clear-cut neo nazi, in addition to admittedly having possessed CASM.
Finnish Black Metal is arguably the worst in this regard. Even Havukruunu, who are vaguely leftist and the least shady FinnBM I know of, still have played festivals with NSBM bands.
Yeah, I’ve definitely done those Google checks. Especially when the lyrics are in German or some Scandinavian language and I’m like, “gotta make sure I’m not listening to some fascist horseshit” 🤣
As a fan of blackgaze I will vouch that there are countless bands without that problem. But yes first wave black metal was notoriously violent and hateful. But I don't care about it cuz it sounds like shit anyway
Yeah with Blackgaze you’re mostly riding safely. Though first wave BM is really not that bad either, obviously there’s a lot of 'evil' posturing but nothing worse than other rock of the time. Even 2nd Wave wasn’t outside of the notorious Norwegian circles.
Don't Google questions that stressful nude.
You can insert "Goth" or "Industrial" into this comic and change nothing.
when you see a tab on their wikipedia article that says "controversies" and are immediately relieved to find out the controversy was just some random christian parents who dont like metal complaining about them
When I found out about Dan Vasc's politics, mysogyny, and (self-loathing?) homophobia it broke my heart. Fortunately his music is free for the listening. Turns out I'm not his only fan who feels this way.
Recovering from Dan Vasc Trilogy Part Three
No idea who that is up until now but holy moly he sounds like a massive dweeb 🥲 off that article and nothing else
pop punk and emo fans feel this 2 but instead of search terms like "nazi" we gotta pop in terms like "allegations"
I’m a new wave /synth pop fan. One member is gay, that one member is likely dead of complications from AIDS is the most common thing.
this is really a game without winners (I am also a new wave&synth pop fan) it would be cool if more nazis and less gay people were dead
I had a track come up on my Spotify discover weekly that went really hard and I enjoyed it. Checked the name "right wing death squad"... Ok maybe it's like... A villain theme song, or ironic or something... Looked up the band.. unapologetic Nazis....
I had a coworker that showed me one that murdered there drummer but forgot there name and now I feel I don't wanna know with this also being added on top of them also being Satanist
Isn't it funny how some of the hardest biker-looking gents you will ever meet are also some of the nicest, and then you find out the nice looking british lady who writes wizard books for kids is one of the worst people on the planet?
Mostly Black Metal, Rarely do I ever need to worry when its something like Doom Metal.
Although with good intentions, some here speak of something they have very little knowledge. First of all, there is no such thing as "wave of black metal <>". Such thing was used by idiotic Fenriz just to draw attention from people that are casual or just into "regular" heavy metal.
Second it's quite known that almost every single musician involved with the norwegian black metal inner circle was either a NS sympathizer or neutral towards it. Doesn't mean that their music was associated with the nefast political view. Such a thing became trendy mostly during late 90 - early 2000
And for the last, BM is not the only genre involved with NS. There are DM bands, heavy metal(RAC) and also even those stupid "core" genres associated with that too, which is kind of a contradictidion because the genre is very often more consumed by LGBT people that are into non popular music.
There are a good number of non heavy metal related genres that also holds of a good number of NS sympathizers bands. White Noise, Power Electronics, Folk, regular rock & hard rock, Ambient music are just some examples. Here is one:
Atlantean Blood - Secret of the Vril https://atlanteanblood.bandcamp.comThis channel does not support or advocate Nazism.
Calling Fenriz an idiot when he has more musical knowledge than 95% of dipshit black metal neanderthals is certainly a choice. Keep smoking crack buddy
And by "buddy" I mean "obvious nazi"
I couldn't care less about you gagging on Fenriz dick. But you're calling me a Nazi and you better have some fucking proof of what you claim here, "buddy". And by "buddy" I mean obvious CUNT
Primal brutalists who think that humanity should regress into primitivism and only use electricity to thrash, sure, but not Nazis!
Shout-out metalarchive and old reddit posts from years ago that keep me in the know.