Doors In The Labyrinth

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Doors In The Labyrinth

Pittsburgh based postgoth/darkwave artist
I realize with spam e-mails, part of the deal is to be as unbelievable as possible, because if anyone is going to fall for it, they're going to fall over it HARD. But still, check the address on this "request for quotation" spam I just got. Also, can I move to Fictitia?
Retronomicon 2 track submitted! Covering "Dusted" by Belly! Now to work on my Electronic Saviors track a bit more, before another remix and a cover with a friend
sometimes there are musical instruments you feel obligated to own
Since I didn't stream on Wednesday, I'll be doing a make-up stream tonight! The usual nonsense, only I'll be playing two songs in a row by everyone I play!
big love and hope the dj who got me going on twitch is okay. she hasn't been online in about 2 years. I worry about that.
I have opened for some amazing artist over the years. If I died tonight, I'd be happy for the experiences I've had, and forever will be
Might not be able to stream tonight, but if not, I'll do a make-up on Friday, I think
okay, so this one cover isn't going to work out in time for the compilation. Thankfully, I've got another one (by the same band, actually) in my back pocket
this week, double plays by every artist! I sometimes can't pick which song by a favorite artist I want to play, so this week the answer is "play both!"
someone just called me lovely on twitch and I'll be living off that compliment for months
This has been such an emotionally complex day I don't even know where to begin
I was a mess in the 90s I mean even compared to now
thinking about bassist's bassists. Like, those only appreciated by those who know the instrument. John Avila of Oingo Boingo was the first that came to mind
sometime soon i want to do a full scratch remix noise/ambient set on twitch. Like, less wide appeal than my usual cartoon theme/goth sets, but I had a good groove going this week, and I want to do more with it.
up before noon on a saturday to help someone i don't actually like move. I suppose that's better than waking up early last week to buy chairs I never intend to sit in.
on in 30 minutes! creepy music and weird music and sad music and angry music and all the music! Twitch is the world
Tonight, RUN WITH US! the usual madness tonight, cartoon songs, goth songs, 90s alt-rock, just stuff that I like!
these soft moving bass 10ths makes it sound like I'm writing a Low song (or any late 90s indie slowcore, really)
this 4 bar guitar solo might be one of the best I've ever written. Given a normal solo break (read: way too long) I meander about, but forcing myself to make a statement in 4 bars makes me be a bit more focused.
Carnegie Library of Homestead is finally replacing their terrible, terrible chairs that have been there for like 100 years. I hated them. So I have no idea why I decided I should have one.
Going live in about an hour! JOIN ME! Odds are very good I'll also play the DuckTales theme!
Tomorrow night! No particular theme, just the usual madness! Thursday is the summer solstice, however, so I'm sure I'll play some of Coil's Bee Stings EP
Tomorrow night! No particular theme, just the usual madness! Thursday is the summer solstice, however, so I'm sure I'll play some of Coil's Bee Stings EP
a couple more tweaks on this remix, hopefully the artist is fine with this version so I can share it with everyone!