Doors In The Labyrinth

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Doors In The Labyrinth

Pittsburgh based postgoth/darkwave artist
A lot to learn on this one, just spent a couple hours with it. Haven't even cross patched any other synths yet, or plugged in a MIDI cable to play as a tone generator module. Filter's a little mild, but that's no biggie. And the highlight is the EG trigger mix, but you can't send THAT out.
you can send the trigger our from EG 1 or EG 2, but blending the two (which you can do internally) is a cool way to get some complex rhythms. I guess I could just send them both out to a CV mixer, but it's seems a shame, I mean, it's right there!
wavefolder is solid though, and the built in OSC provided is a simple sine, so looking forward to sending some more complex signals into it
overall, very happy with this, and looking forward to exploring more. Don't know what the first song I'll use it on will be, but I'm doing a couple remixes right now, so might find some room on one of them.
with all the talk of terrible sticker companies, I'll mention my favorite stickers, the purple one in the middle, were done by Sticker Guy. They came out great, good prices and nice to deal with!
great start! I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes!
I only recently learned (because I pay no attention to him) how all in on hypnosis he is. "Teaching ChatGPT" is certainly circling his gullibility venn.
Local is always best! I have a local I trust for shirts
who are you using for stickers? last ones I got were from stickerguy, and they came out pretty awesome, but always on the lookout for good merch recommendations
bought a mystery box from Negative Gain. inside was an album from trans artist before they transitioned, who has since wiped her music off the internet. I won't play it on my streams (no deadnaming, if she wants it gone, it's gone), but so glad to have it because I love it
okay, taking it back as I'm reading the liner notes. this is the album where she transitioned. It's not on her personal bandcamp, though she's put some stuff out since (though not since 2021), but some of the pre-transition still are. This album is on NegGain's bandcamp It's Fires, they rule
Rewatching Time Bandits, it's been a while!
I'm live in 20 minutes! Should be a good one, got some neat new stuff, and some pretty silly favorites! Twitch is the world
points for effort, but if you can't even spot a ghost buster when you see one....
Streaming tonight! No theme, but lots of newly acquired cds to play from! Moog still hasn't sent me a Labyrinth module, I suppose I'll have to just buy one!
also my favorite movie ever! All the love for Legend!
That's the one! My favorite off there is "Love You Like A Language"!
nothing else to do in PA, might as well pick up an instrument or two! (that's a joke, Pittsburgh's got some great museums too. I love it here)
and not local to me, but if you're ever near Provo, UT, my friend Eric has a post-punk band called Waters Rising that I like a lot (check their song "Veil of Dust" and an AMAZING dark indie folk thing called Our Bones To Chords (but doesn't play live)
Pittsburgh usually has some great bands around. My FAVORITE in town is Take Me With You (sad 80s New Order style synthpop with bass leads). Murder for Girls are garage rock, usually put on a good show. I do more fringey postgoth/darkwave stuff
I realize with spam e-mails, part of the deal is to be as unbelievable as possible, because if anyone is going to fall for it, they're going to fall over it HARD. But still, check the address on this "request for quotation" spam I just got. Also, can I move to Fictitia?
Retronomicon 2 track submitted! Covering "Dusted" by Belly! Now to work on my Electronic Saviors track a bit more, before another remix and a cover with a friend
sometimes there are musical instruments you feel obligated to own
Since I didn't stream on Wednesday, I'll be doing a make-up stream tonight! The usual nonsense, only I'll be playing two songs in a row by everyone I play!
big love and hope the dj who got me going on twitch is okay. she hasn't been online in about 2 years. I worry about that.