
"Why is [Comic Creator] canceled, but not [list of shitty dudes in comics]." Well, I mean, the dude in question is both still alive and committed a crime. Like, serious felony crime that you can't even discuss in detail without VERY detailed warnings beforehand.
Like dislike Tom King all you want, but unless you've got some serious info you're not disclosing, let's not pretend he's as deserving of being booted from the industry as G Jones...
"Why aren't Chuck Dixon or Frank Miller canceled?" Well...they kinda were, Dixon self publishes Conan pastiche now, but more importantly, being a right wing asshole may loose you opportunities but it's not an actual crime with actual victims.
And let’s be honest, the cancelling here outside of rightfully drumming out of the biz is “they won’t put his stuff on digital.” Which, okay, if you need to quickly reference an issue for something, the physical copies are cheaper than dirt.
If you are committed to being an archivist, don’t rely on captive digital platforms, period.