Dorian Wright

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Dorian Wright

Mouthy gay man, SoCal, your dad thinks I'm hot.
"You going to watch MAXXXINE?" No, I have ANGEL on Blu.
How does the New York Times keep getting tricked into uncritically praising fascists and eugenicists?
*whispers* I think "adult children of emotionally immature parents" thing is minimizing the pain of people who deal with parents who are actually toxic or narcissistic by lumping these all together, and this trend of pathologizing mundane behaviors and therapy-speak is itself extremely unhealthy.
Picked up husband from LA, did shopping on the way...
Hey, guess how I found out my new phone has a "you have traveled with an air tag" feature?
"We should disincentize seniors owning larger homes than they need." Just say you want there to be more homeless people, dude.
The inside out characters in my head
The inside out characters in my head
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“Oh the MCU is…” don’t care. Did I get a capwolf movie? No I did not. So whatever. Whatever! None of it matters anymore.
Life is too short to not block people for having even vaguely off vibes.
"You should check out this fantasy novel!" *looks it up* *sees phrase "YA"* *sees phrase "romantasy"* No thank you.
We literally fought two wars to not give a shit.
So, actual question, what happens if BIG Chuckie Winds decides he'd prefer the neofash stay in power and he doesn't grant permission to form a new government? Does it happen anyway, thus proving there is no need for him? Or does Sunak keep his job because an inbred German says so?
Now watching the Godzilla movie I remember American right wingers freaking out about in the 90s for being "anti-white".
Watching the Godzilla movie that is basically "actually, no, Fuck You American hegemony".
Vinegar Syndrome's sale today includes UNDEAD, one of the best zombie/Australian horror-comedies ever made, and SURF II, which is an amazing and singular cinematic experience, for $10 each.
Trying to be nice to my husband and catch him up on X-Men books, and X OF SWORDS cannot be had for love or money and this just astounds me.
On the latest "person in creative field may be a creep" story: A) it sure would be nice if the only source for this wasn't a TERFy right-wing podcast B) if even *I* had heard rumors about this particular person, I'm not going to assume it's a smear-job
Me: Hey fella want some attention? Dog: *zzzzzz* Me: Okay, guess I'll do my bank rec and answer emails Dog:
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noah berlatsky is not an author whose articles you should be sharing
I've been rewatching 30 ROCK, not so much because I'm a self-hating masochist, but out of curiosity to see how badly it's aged. Like milk, as the kids say. Who knew all those topical jokes about Condi Rice and Peggy Noonan wouldn't have staying power, other than anyone who's ever read DOONESBURY?
Her actions, as she describes them, are textbook sexual harrassment. Not that anything remotely like this ever happened, that is the most Marine Todd bullshit story I've ever seen. But interesting that she is comfortable admitting/unaware recognizing that she's committing sexual harrassment.
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
"No one likes Kamala because of racism and misogyny, that's it." *stares in nearly life-long California resident* "Sure about that?"
The Vinegar Syndrome sales today have SIX-STRING SAMURAI and KILLER CONDOM around $20 each, and those are good deals for films you should get.
Twenty minutes of trying to collect a urine sample from the senior dog and I'm not sure which of us is more annoyed by this process.
Night 4 of watching movies in bed because the dog freaks out when Pete isn't home, this time dealing with a death in the family.
I watched THEODORA GOES WILD, which is the anti-Hallmark film I've always wanted: small town girl escapes the narrow minded bigotry of her small town to find love with an urban sophisticate.
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Ended up rolling the dice with a blind buy on NUTS! because "animated documentary on goat testicle implants" was something I kept thinking about over the course of my work day.
First time in awhile a new slate of Vinegar Syndrome and OCN releases all elicted a "maybe when they go on sale" response from me.
You: SLIME devoting so many episodes to board meetings, an actual thematic element of the series, is bad. Me: DEMON SLAYER padding out two pages of manga to eight episodes only to pivot to movies to end the series is the worst waste of every one's time imaginable. We are not the same.