
Over 400 UK scientists write to party leaders in election calling for credible plans on hitting 2050 "It seems the main political parties have failed to grasp just how much British voters are going to be affected by [climate change] over the next 5 years"
‘Disappointing and surprising’: Why isn’t this a climate election in the UK? More than 400 scientists write to political parties urging ambitious action or risk making Britain and the world ‘more dangerous and insecure’
Y'know it's funny- for years here in the States before the ubiquitous plastic bottles, we exchanged glass bottles at the grocery stores. Crazy we used to be able to make that profitable, but with all the advances in shipping and logistics, we just can't do anything but plastic bottles anymore.
The letter is great but this paragraph from the article is infuriatingly wrong and terrible on multiple levels.
Because all of our governments are literally owned by greedy, corrupt corporations, especially the fossil fuel companies, and they don't care about our lives and health, just making more and more obscene profits. Greed is a disease, and the people who run our world are all afflicted by it.