
In case anyone is taken in by the Reform Party UK manifesto launch today, saying we should scrap commitment to net zero, here's global investment in clean energy & technology at the moment Reform would seek to remove us form this international investment pot 1/4
2/4 And FYI, this investment in 2023 is estimated to be 10x investment in Artificial Intelligence So whilst AI may be transformative in many ways, the real money is in clean energy Don't be taken in by the climate sceptics - the future of jobs & industry is in the clean economy
4/4 Compare with Labour Party which has recognized the need for investment in the new clean economy seeking to lever in private finance One might prefer different mechanisms (or generally question political competence) but the diagnosis of the issue is correct
Labour’s green plans will create 650,000 jobs, says Rachel Party begins week of campaigning on economy under pressure to say if it will raise taxes to pay for £7.3bn plans
I don't think that people who are likely to vote for the Reform company are interested in anything other than right-wing rhetoric. Actual policies are too difficult for such people to understand. 🙄
I'm not sure that's entirely correct. My dad may well be a Reform voter, but he's not daft. And he's certainly not a climate-change denier.
Maybe he's the exception that proves the rule.😃
Farage is a political coin in the slot machine. Pay him to utter something, no matter how reprehensible, and he’ll switch on the foghorn. The only political idea he ever developed by himself was his early love of Hitler.
Dodgy company not a political party, how can they get away with that?
Net zero will bancrupt the UK and won't make the slightest difference to the climate. All we are doing is making more millionaires like Dale Vince. His green energy companies were given £110 million in subsidies and now he is personally worth £100 million. Net zero is the world's biggest grift.