
As a reminder, Drew Hendry, the SNP MP, was a trans ally.
New LibDem MP in the Highlands is anti-trans rights. The Libdems knew this and let him stand to represent their party anyway.
It's reallllllly fucking me off the number of people celebrating the SNP losing MPs because something something tolerating transphobia when a decent chunk of the new MPs are themselves transphobic but it's different when they're labour or lib dem transphobes because something something Joanna Cherry
It's fine to dislike the SNP because of weakness on trans stuff - I jumped ship to the greens a few years ago for basically that reason - but it's depressing that a lot of people (even those who acknowledge labour is _bad_) seem to have decided that Scottish results are some victory for trans people
Yes I was happy that Cherry lost (although Scott Arthur was a shit councillor so good luck to us all), but it simultaneously maddens me that someone I know who was also happy at her loss campaigned on the same team as Susan fucking Dalgety for what's his face from Edinburgh East
a criticism somehow always becomes applicable if it is sent the way of a pro-independence party but a gross generalisation that we should immediately condemn if it is applied to an anti-independence one
at core a substantial part of unionists simply do not consider being a separatist a legitimate opinion and all I can say is tough titties because even in our darkest hours in history it was always the constitutional preference of at least a third of the Scottish population
It's very important to recognise that while both parties have struggled to root out transphobia the one that pushed gender recognition reform is the evil irredeemable transphobic one and the one that thinks GRR is divisive political games-playing is the one we need to give more time to
He also didn't literally give 25k to Boris Johnson
Sad to see Drew go. Glad he managed to get my trans friend a council home before he left. He was a good one. Feels bad to have to be represented by a bigot for the next 5 years. Hopefully can get him out again then.