
f you see this, I would encourage you to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
Weirdly, I think I know where this was taken
Very cool! Where do you think it is?
Behind the Evergreen Air & Space Museum in McMinnville. It looks a lot like their "work in progress" / "scrapyard" area in the parking lot.
YES! You are correct! And, lol. I'm a Docent there, and this is actually a wooden radial that used to be part of a display. I assume you're in the area too?
I moved to Amity about 5 years ago. Bought a museum membership on my first visit.
Oh awesome! I docent on the Space side, and try and work every other Sunday, but work and house stuff has had different plans, so I probably won't be regularly there again until October. But please do ping me if you're heading out, it'd be great to meet you! (And we are always looking for Docents…)