
Brilliant work by Led By Donkeys. They disrupted Farage’s latest rally with a Putin banner.
Where was this ? And please tell me the mainstream cameras were there to capture it ?? I’d love to have sen his coupon when it dawned on him.
what the fuck is he wearing
There must be a shop called Fashion Fails R Us. I bet he shops there.
Roger Stone still beats him for "biggest twat who thinks he's doing a thing and looks like a cross between a cartoon villain and just a cartoon," but it's something, all right. esp with that face. my god. these people are all freaks. FREAKS.
Ol' Frogface doesn't seem to know how to dress well. Almost all the pics I've seen of him - WAY too many! - show that.
there're two kinds of terrible right wing dressers. the ones who look like shit on purpose, prob because they think it's ghey to wear a fitted suit (and in Trump's case, because he thinks it'll make him look fatter and also prob no one gets near bc never showers); & the ones who think they're natty
the "natty" ones are inevitably total freaks who look like Batman villains.
Boris never got the memo- he always looked like he’s just crawled out of a car crash ..
These wanna be posh Home Counties geezers - they somehow think garish slacks and blazers are cool - remember that posh bloke on Gogglebox who was alway pished? He was the same .. scarlet trousers and bright yellow jumpers. They like a check shirt like farmers wear as well. Public schools do it to em
I mostly know Murcans and their shitwear. all Trump's little lickspittles in a row wearing the same baggy navy suit and floor length red tie was hilarious and cringe and terrifying and disgusting and pathetic and just grim.
I'm more familiar with the morons on this side of the pond, but yeah, you're right. They seem to ape their Dear Leader.
a clutch of them literally showed up at his trial all dressed exactly like him. it was INSANE. it really is a cult.
I mean, these were actual Congressmen, skiving off their actual work (lol) to suck up to him this way. because no one actually loves him but they all leap in fear and hopeful cringing ambition
Yep. Cults quite often have inane dress codes.