Dragon Cobolt

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Dragon Cobolt


I'm Dragon Cobolt, formerly of Twitter! I write erotica SF and erotica fantasy! He/Him
Owlcat's writing is often really clusmy, but it's genuinely sweet how the redeemed succubus has a dream, but she's never had a dream before, so you go around town and ask peeps about their dreams, and she excitedly puts everything in her dream in the most obvious, simple way possible
You know what I think Rogue Trader and the Pathfinder owlcat games need? A training dummy! Like, just so you can attack it or cast spells at it and make sure the mechanics for your retraining ACTUALLY WORKS
Hand of the Inheritor: "Well, you see, we form from celestial-" Kess: "I was flirting." Hand of the Inheritor: "uh, well, ha...h..bu.byhbij..."
Reposted byAvatar Dragon Cobolt
the expanse takes place in a fantastical future where file sharing and transfer is super fucking easy
Good news everyone: Prodigy turned the suck dial down!
You know what really drives me up the wall about strange new worlds’ take on the Gorn? It’s a great Star Trek episode premise. Too bad they’re more interested in making IDF propaganda.
*the camera slowly pans from Kaylessa to the chaotic good succubi in the party, then back to Kaylessa* Kaylessa: "Anyway, there's no hope for me!"
“Why does your box have air hole?” … “…why do the air holes have *screens*”
I keep telling people this about Hoth it’s good to finally have a historian agree with me
Reposted byAvatar Dragon Cobolt
I like how Lois McMaster Bujold shows us that Miles is perfect for Ekaterine first not by having a scene with her, but instead by having him be the best dad to her son, Nikki.
being an adult is looking at a cup and going "...that's gonna spill" then moving it
you gotta be vizirmaxing and treasonpilled
All right that's a 5k chapter down :)
All right, back to the WRITING MINES
It took me a while to pin down why Hologram Janeway bugs me so much. Basically, one of the major problems I have with Voyager is that the writing staff seemed to constantly not...know how to write the "first female captain" (despite it being VERY EASY, just WRITE A CAPTAIN, jesus christ)
I tried to give star trek prodigy another chance and this episode was, like...actively kind of bad? Predictable, cheap, and with a genuinely infuriating ending...
Your adventure hasn't completed until you've metaphorically been transformed by literally losing bodyparts #amwriting
Time to work on AND THE THIRD BROUGHT FIRE - a post apocalyptic animist atomic powered steampunk novel! In a world where any sufficiently advanced machine produces a humanoid spirit, the British Empire rules under the eternal guidance of Lady Colossus after America was chastened by Lady Trinity!
Reposted byAvatar Dragon Cobolt
When you're an anime-obsessed millennial artist and you watch Ancient Aliens this is what happens 😄 Buy her here! www.etsy.com/listing/1684... #aliens #ancientaliens #anime #bigboobs #meme #art #digitalart #pinkhair #bsnm #bskyart #historychannel #holo #holographic
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I think Owlcat games have been getting better - I've never managed to get through the first act of Kingmaker, and while I've never beaten WOTR, I love Rogue Trader, so, I'm really excited to see what they work on next!
This chapter could be retitled “the tarkin doctrine is stupid”
Man good thing no one that evil exists in real life
There's a point in WOTR where I just go, "oh come the fuck on" and it's usually when ACs hit...oh...45 and I just set the game to the easiest difficulty possible
Think this might be a metaphor for something??
I showed my friend the “would thy like to live deliciously” scene from The Witch and she got so aroused she passed out
Reposted byAvatar Dragon Cobolt
Also, just for the record, Rapiers, Hand Crossbows, Violins, Studded Leather Armor, mass produced standardized glass flasks and vials, boots with a dedicated "right" and "left," the domino mask, and dozens of other things that they've included without a problem.