
We enabled a new Cloudflare feature on FA that automatically blocks AI bot scrapers. Hell, at one point Tiktok's parent company Bytedance once hit us with so many bots it knocked our site offline temporarily. Fuck AI. You are hurting independent sites, you hemorrhaging shitgibbons.
Had this same problem with one of the railfan sites I help run. ChatGPT and a couple other "AI" bots were crawling us at a rate at that was literally crippling the site. We ended up just blocking all of them.
Yeah, it's a legitimate problem. It takes up resources, can cause outages, blips, interruptions, and in some cases even increased costs. Websites have finite resources, and these giant companies seem to have no issues attacking smaller ones for their own personal gain. It's disgusting.
At least there's some support thank god! Yer all a bunch of angels and we all hope this works, we'll find a way to beat these gits some day!
Oh i've been seeing the same thing on my personal sites have just gone to outright blocking anything with a bytedance user agent. Worst crawler since Bing.
I mean with any luck their scrapers only got the feral incest mspaints and now think that's what certain animals look like.
ddosing a website to scrape art from people who REALLY are against that should be illegal right?
On the plus side, it's costing them an arm and a leg to keep it running. Hopefully it'll bankrupt them.
Is it possible to have all visual uploads be run through the nightshade filter?
I seen that option when looking into my Cloudflare, and was hoping you'd enable it. Glad to see FA is gonna use it!