Author Deby Fredericks

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Author Deby Fredericks

Published author of #fantasy for adults & YA, sometimes light & cozy, sometimes strong & dark. Minstrels of Skaythe is my current series, good mages secretly help people in a world ruled by evil mages. I also like gardening, comic books, SF cons & cats.
All these people talking to reporters after the Trump rally... Shouldn't they be talking to the police first? Also I would love to hear more about the shooter instead of endless rehashing about very little fact.
Somebody took a potshot atTrump? Well dang.
That YA novel I've started revising? It's 340 pages. If I can revise 10 pages a day, I'll finish the draft in a little over a month. The school year starts in a month and a half. Think I can do it? Yes! Let's go!! #amwritingfantasy #fantasyauthor
Starting today, I’m building and leading a team in Larry Krasner’s Philadelphia DA’s office to target serious election-interference crimes. We’re seeking to hire people for an elite team. If you’re interested, contact me.
I am sad to report that SF author M. J. Engh has passed away. She was a mentor to me and many other authors in the Inland Northwest. I will miss her so much!
M. J. Engh -
*whispers* Hey, Smashwords is having their summer sale. All of my ebooks are 50% off throughout July! That includes the Minstrels of Skaythe series and several others. This the link to my personal catalog. My titles through Wolfsinger are 25% off. #fantasyauthor
Deby Deby Fredericks has been a writer all her life, but thought of it as just a fun hobby until the late 1990s. Her first sale, a children's poem, was in 2000. Since then she has published seven fantasy n...
I wrote a letter to my representative today. HR 8830 would prevent justices from receiving any single gift worth more than $50, or more than $100 total from a single source. Dear Rep. McMorris Rodgers, I am urging you to support H.R. 8830, the High Court Gift Ban Act. #SCOTUS #courts
* waving* Hi to all of you saying it's only "political operatives" who are standing with Joe Biden. I'm not a party hack or loyalist. I'm an average citizen who has seen his accomplishments. I am not running away from Joe Biden. If you insist on saying that, it's a *you* problem.
Final thought: STOP LISTENING TO THE POLITICAL PRESS They do not have your best interests at heart, full stop. They want to make money off your fear. They're too ignorant to even have a survival instinct--do they think they won't be targeted in a Trump dictatorship?
Easing my way back into revisions on The Spirit Binder. There were a bunch of things I stuck temporary names on, so I could keep my focus on the plot. Now's the time to think up permanent names. I also may change the title. which is another challenge all together. #fantasywriter #amwritingfantasy
Finished a short story today. "The Wolf God's Path" is a YA fantasy, 3000 words. A young girl calls on the wolf god to help her break free of her strict father and chart her own course. Independence, a fitting theme for July 4th. #amwritingfantasy
If you don't like the way our country is going (USA) then look for your nearest Democratic office. Sign up to volunteer, answer phones, whatever. Get off your computer and out on the streets. My local Democrats are having a flag-waving on the 4th. You darn bet I'll be there. #politics
So, weird thing. I was talking to my gay kid just yesterday about whether they feel safe in America with the blatant corruption of our system. I said maybe they should get a passport and try to figure out if their professional credential would be valid in another country. 1/
Smashwords is having their summer sale. All of my ebooks are 50% off throughout July! That includes the entire Minstrels of Skaythe series, and several others. This the link to my personal catalog. My titles through Wolfsinger are 25% off. #fantasyauthor
Deby Deby Fredericks has been a writer all her life, but thought of it as just a fun hobby until the late 1990s. Her first sale, a children's poem, was in 2000. Since then she has published seven fantasy n...
Finished the first draft of that short story. 2,800 words, a good length for the anthology. Much remains to be done, focusing the narrative in a consistent way. I got the bones of it, though! #amwritingfantasy
So funny story. My internet wasn't connecting on one machine. I was in Xfinity customer service with a chatbot. I typed in "let me talk to a human" and it changed my password to that. (No, that is not the actual phrase I used.) Well, at least the password is easy to remember.
Glad I updated my blog for tomorrow early. Internet is down. #fantasyauthor
I'm not avoiding my WIP. I'm waiting for the coffee to kick in before I start writing. #fantasyauthor
My procedure went well. After fasting and prep I've had one cup of coffee and I feel kinda manic. Now I remind myself that if I can't drive or sign contracts, I shouldn't try to write, either. #amwritingfantasy but not today.
Short story acceptance! "When the old witch got sick, the things she had transformed began to change back." #amwritingfantasy
That short story I'm trying to work on. I'm have an invasive medical procedure coming up, and that's been very distracting. But I'm still trying to start the story. The first try was just dull and predictable. The second try was lively, but it was too much back story. 1/
Ironically amused and baffled that so many of us are getting so intense about... Shoes. Is there nothing more urgent to talk about? Maybe there is, but it's so much that we focus on shoes instead. Cuz the real issues are too hard to talk about.
I have a new story I'm wanting to work on. But I woke up at:3:30 am with an allergy attack, sinus irritation and runny nose for what seemed like an hour. So today I managed to... name some characters, and I feel pretty good about that. #amwritingfantasy
I am in the midst of a wrangle with my husband over whether we should hire some fence people who can do the job well in a day or two, vs. him taking all summer to do part of it, and possibly injuring himself. And also with house painters. And a bathroom remodel. Our house needs work!
Writers and other creative people! We are coming at "A. I." all wrong. It's being sold to the public as a new, shiny toy. We say "Don't use it!" but nobody wants to be told not to pick up the new, shiny toy. What we must do (as many of us have) keep explaining the harm this technology does. 1/
I'm between stories right now, wondering what to do with myself. Then I looked at my blog and saw I haven't updated it with my recent publications. So now I have something to do! #fantasywriter
The Spirit Binder, my middle grade fantasy, has an ending. Possibly not the final ending, but AN ending. Writer wins!
It's really weird, but aren't the states with the worst anti-black, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-labor laws constantly being leveled by storms and whatnot? It's like the collective rage of the oppressed raises those storms. And if they eased up on the hateful laws, would the storms ease up, too?
Spirit Binder: 79,400 words now. School ends tomorrow, so I didn't make my goal to finish my YA fantasy before them. I'm not sad, though. It's maybe 3 more chapters to go. I'll finish soon enough. #amwritingfantasy #fantasyauthor