
I just removed the NYT's Daily from my podcasts. I'm stepping away from the publication completely. Read the LitHub piece I posted earlier from Rebecca Solnit. Words matter.
I must unsubscribe, I cannot give one more penny to that bullshit rag. If things go south the NYT will be shut down by “decree”, no? I’m betting yes.
I left the NYT in 2016. I got a sub to WaPo but, sadly, I think they've recently pivoted in that same direction and I'm going to have to get rid of that one, too.
Yeah. The pivot is awful.
It must be difficult for some of the journalists working there. There are people whose work I admire that I have started wondering about lately.
just unsubscribed. Grew up reading it. Fuck that noise.
Right!? I looked at the episode today and that sealed it for me.