
On this 4th of July, let us remember the absolute, incredible luck of humanity that, against all odds, the Alien mothership was Mac compatible.
Welp, time to see if my old PowerBook 1400c will still boot up…
I kinda wish I’d kept my SE/30. The only two original gangsta all-in-ones I have are a Fat Mac and a Color Classic and I’m ashamed to say neither has been booted in a decade.
I had one of the transparent colored shell iMacs for awhile, bc some school got rid of them. Worked and everything! Then my dumb ass gave it to my mom’s boss since he likes to collect things, and I didn’t know at that time he’s a millionaire and MAGA. Few things do I regret more.
I still have a couple iMacs and an eMac here and if I ever get a writing nook set up, one of them will probably get designated as a dedicated DVD machine.
gonna turn my fat mac into a cat bed after I get all the info off of it
You should check on them, especially the Color Classic. They had batteries for the clock that, unless removed, 100% have exploded and leaked acid on the motherboard.