carodjah!✨at the Sabzeruz✨

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carodjah!✨at the Sabzeruz✨

Twitch streamer; tolerated by a dozen feral cats; fan of reading entire articles; and generally cool guy.

Currently on medical hiatus from both streaming and being cool. |
Some people might enjoy different AAA video games than you—and that’s okay! There is no law requiring you to accuse them of being mentally ill for having different tastes. 🌈✨
Both my ex-step bros texted me happy birthday at the exact same time today so I guess my birthday has been rescheduled?
The constant screaming about Biden here has made it very apparent how many “allies” in leftist spaces think those of us with health issues are lesser and inhuman.
lol at Jordan Uhl citing NYT op-eds to support his “Biden needs to disappear and drop out” vids. “Lefty” YouTubers stop shaking hands with the worst people challenge 2024 (impossible)
I read the highest paid cast for the new dub were the Lakota elders they hired
I just learned that the Avengers was just released streaming in Lakota, dubbed with the original six avengers actors? Which is incredibly cool.
How to be a better reply-maker on Bluesky:
Until today, it never once crossed my mind that there could be a cat-person who is allergic to cats
Planning to record a demo reel. I’m open to suggestions. Most of you probably know more or less what I sound like. Any ideas for things I could be suited to perform?
Tired: "I like pancakes." "Oh so you hate waffles?!?" Wired: "Being an ass to strangers online probably won’t stop fascism." "Oh so you hate mutual aid and helping people find housing?!?"
You know how you’re not supposed to use a shower when there’s lightning outside? Does…does that apply to bidets, too?
“Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole!”
tell me your fav film with a quote.
look upon my Boos, ye mighty and rejoice
look upon my Boos, ye mighty and rejoice
Kylie’s arc on Scrubs is one of the worst written disasters ever. Her boyfriend cheats on her, so she immediately starts dating JD, who lies excessively on first date. She forgives him bc he’s "genuine," then he spends weeks trying to goad her into sex. And when she’s ready, he cheats on her.
Anyone have knowledge about Emgality and its temperature warnings? The syringe was barely cool when I got it from the pharmacy, and I had to walk a block in 90°F weather then drive home without AC. It’s in fridge rn, just worried it was too warm too long.
Guy trying to bully Paul Atreides: "Ey guys, look out! It’s the Croissant Haberdash!"
So update on Zenless Zone Zero: You live next to a vinyl record store, and you get to manage and run a video store. And play old school arcade games at an arcade called GODFINGER.
JESUS, AT SECOND COMING: ok so first off, I wanna say that a *lot* of you have taken this parasocial relationship just waaay too far.
Whatever is being discussed in biology, there's almost always one species that has to complicate things by being a the case of tooth loss, the "hold my beer" approach would be shedding a whole row of teeth as one piece and then eating them. 😳
Isistius Cookiecutter Shark Isistius brasiliensis This small, cigar-shaped shark is dark brown on top and light on the underside, with a darker band around its neck. The light underside glows, attracting fi...
I unlocked the badass lady with a nail gun. I am unstoppable.
I don’t know if this is the standard line or if the game actually tracked the time but no lie detected
*nukes dropping from the sky* “but where’s my personalized phone call damnit”
Step down for the birthday boys
Omg if you pet a cat, it makes your PS5 controller vibrate lightly and play purr sounds from the speaker. GOTY 100/10
In this house, we salute furries and techno pirates.
In this house, we salute furries and techno pirates.
Of course now I have to post the comic based on the tweet shown in that reskeet, because that's actually where I first encountered it.