
Hahahahahahaha. No, meritocrat-twat, you get paid well because the people you’re working for are toxically wealthy. Do the same job for poor people, not on a yacht, you get paid dick all. They really believe inequality is down to a flat rate per hour for work done. More hard work; more money.
Reminder that meritocracy was invented (by Toby Young’s dad of all people) as a satirical idea for a dystopian book back in the 1950s, and shouldn’t be used as an actual way of justifying calcified privilege and inequality.
Like nostalgia, a word that was coined to describe extreme homesickness, and which was considered to be a debilitating and potentially fatal illness.
Nostalgia is fascinating because in its original usage it could be cured, because you can go home. You can’t go back to an imagined past. Read a couple of recent books on it, and keep noticing that there’s a new one out every six months. For some reason it’s endlessly discussable, never nailed.
Nostalgia is always (by its nature) a moving target.