
Every scientist I know working in climate has done days & days of outreach… it’s not the lack of Sci Comms that’s the issue 🧪
Lately, journalists have asked if scientists didn't warn us enough, or didn't know how bad climate change would be. Scientists did their jobs. It's fossil fuel companies who lied about climate impacts FOR DECADES. They're to blame for these heat waves.
‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents Documents show industry-backed Air Pollution Foundation uncovered the severe harm climate change would wreak
Indeed, might have something to do with an incredibly well financed political minority taking every opportunity to loudly tell the rubes climate change is a hoax. BTW it's 5 degrees hotter in Detroit than it is here on Grand Cayman. Perfectly normal right?
Perfectly normal ! Insert *dog in burning house* emoji.