
*lowers voice* As others have pointed out, you cannot necessarily even emigrate to Canada, your neighbour, if you are disabled or have evidence of 'undue' healthcare spending, for example (real life example unfortunately) receiving treatment in the adult psychiatric care system... involuntarily. 🙃
There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.
as i read the discourse on this, i realize i've basically accepted that as a ~neurospicy~ person with one kidney, even my PhD is not going to guarantee me a visa elsewhere? i mean, i do have plans if things get *really* interesting, but they do not involve moving to NZ or Canada or wherever...
FWIW, you can look up the point system Canada uses. When I was in my late 30s, and applied for a few Canadian professorships, the system basically told me that if I had a job offer I could immigrate easily. (Points for education, age, English, job. In my case, no points for French, relationships)
Also I think you get more points if you've previously lived there and/or if you studied there (which I didn't; my life has very often been Canada-adjacent, but not actually within)
There was a great for me job advertised in Toronto when I was on the job market. I applied, no one on the eco evo jobs wiki had any reports of interviews, and ~2-3 months after the initial deadline something similarish was advertised as a 2 year fixed contract instead of TT. I think $ fell through.