Dr. Tolulope (Tolu) Noah

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Dr. Tolulope (Tolu) Noah


Faculty Developer in Higher Ed • Edtech Specialist • Speaker • Former Teacher Education Professor, K-12 Teacher, & Apple Professional Learning Specialist • Currently writing a book! • #EDUSky #AcademicSky #FacDev #EdDev

I've been awaiting @cjdenial.bsky.social's book ever since she mentioned it was in the works, and now it's here!!! We could definitely use more kindness in higher ed, and I'm so glad that we have this book to help light the way. #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev #Academia #BeKind
I just received my copy of Motivation Myth Busters! I can't wait to dive in! #Motivation #HigherEd #FacDev
If you're mourning the loss of Google Jamboard, Padlet is coming to the rescue with their new Padlet Sandbox tool (currently in beta)! I've been tinkering with it, and I'm really excited for what's to come. Try it out yourself via the link in the comments! #Padlet #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev #K12
We're only 2 sessions into Virtual Gathering & my heart is already SO full! From the powerful opening @caitskirby.bsky.social did to set the tone to the amazing way @jenaecohn.bsky.social fostered connections amongst participants, I'm already blown way & excited for what's to come! #Gather4Change24
I just had a blast doing my first-ever workshop at the virtual ISTE conference! My session was entitled, "Digital Accessibility 101," & we used the acronym, C.H.I.L.L., to unpack five key digital accessibility topics: Color, Headings, Images, Links, & Lists. #ISTE #ISTELive #ISTELive24 #NotAtISTE
I can't wait for next week's virtual conference! The lineup looks absolutely incredible, and I want to attend all the things! Interested in joining? Register for free here: bit.ly/VirtualGathering24 #HigherEd #EdDev #FacDev
Padlet keeps getting better and better! Below is a summary of the latest features, which include improved #accessibility features. For example, you can now add alt text to images! padlet.blog/2024-spring-...
The 2024 Spring Releasepadlet.blog The noteworthy new features from our 2024 spring release.
I just received a copy of Kevin Kelly's latest book, Making College Courses Flexible: Supporting Student Success Across Multiple Learning Modalities. I can't wait to read the book in full & I'm honored for the opportunity I had to contribute a case story. #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev
Recently, I had the opportunity to facilitate a workshop about student motivation for one of my favorite groups of educators! We specifically focused on self-determination theory & its implications for classroom practice. Competence, autonomy, & relatedness are key! #EduSky
I'm currently putting the finishing touches on my final faculty workshop for the semester, entitled "Ending the Semester Well." We'll be exploring strategies through the lens of 4 Rs: Review, Reflect, Revise, & Reenter. #AlliterationIsMyJam #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev
I just saw this Colgate commercial celebrating the beauty of gapped teeth, and it made my little gap-toothed self feel so seen. 💛 There are no words in the video, but the background music is a whistled version of Katy Perry’s song, “Roar.” youtu.be/Cijxcgfm7Gs?...
The Beauty of Gaps, a Colgate Storyyoutu.be Over half of young adults feel pressure to have a perfect smile. But smiles come in all styles. “The Beauty of Gaps” is a whistled rendition of the rallying ...
Thank you @cjdenial.bsky.social for sharing about the Zoom option for joining your keynote address today! Listening to you speak made me even more excited for your forthcoming book! #BeKind
I just got my copy of Faculty Development on a Shoestring! I can’t wait to dive in! #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev
I just completed my longest writing day yet: 13 hours & 33 minutes. Good night! #AmWriting
I got to geek out about all things organization during a webinar where I shared over 20 tips for workshop preparation, facilitation, resource management, & more. Fun times! #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev
I just finished doing a virtual guest lecture for a class at my university, and it brought my heart so much joy! I'm so glad that I still have opportunities to teach students in my faculty development role. Teaching truly is the best! #EdDev #FacDev #HigherEd
I just need to get through the next two weeks and then things will ease up: Or, Lies We Tell Ourselves
I'm attending the UDL 3.0 webinar, and I'm so excited about some of the proposed changes! "Nurture joy & play" YES! "Address biases in the use of language & symbols" YES! "Authentically represent a diversity of perspectives & identities" YES! #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev #UDLGuidelines #CAST_UDL
I LOVE the "Podcasts & Pedometers" professional development idea Emily Heller shared in a webinar today! Teachers go for a walk on campus while listening to an education podcast of their choice. Afterwards, they submit a short form about what they learned. #ProfDev #EdDev #FacDev #HigherEd
I’m so happy that hashtags finally work here! 😊
📢 App Version 1.70 is rolling out now (1/6) Hashtags! You can now use #hashtags in your posts. When you tap them, you’ll get a menu with lots of handy options:
I was honored to receive a Best-In-Track Award for my presentation at the OLC Accelerate Conference last fall! #OLCAccelerate #WeAreOLC #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev
"The brain cannot learn and lifeguard at the same time." - Courtney Plotts #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev
This *free* micro-course provides an excellent introduction to how to use ChatGPT: nextgenerationteacher.com/courses/chat... It's perfect for educators who are just getting started & want to learn about what's possible with the tool. #EdTech #EdChat
ChatGPT 101nextgenerationteacher.com Set up your ChatGPT account, learn its key features, discover the nuances between free and paid plans, and explore ChatGPT's core capabilities.
I tried something different today in a faculty/staff workshop & it worked out really well! The workshop was entitled, "Creating Engaging Learning Opportunities with Padlet." 1/x #FacDev #EdDev #EdTech #HigherEd #EdChat
I just found out that one of the accessibility articles I wrote for Edutopia was cited in the U.S. Department of Education's 2024 National Educational Technology Plan! I'm citation #113 on page 59. 😊 See the thread for links to both resources! #EdTech #EdChat
Please don’t disable the chat for webinars. It’s an important form of formative assessment and active learning. It's also a key way to foster connections with and amongst participants. #HigherEd #FacDev #EdDev