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Do you really don’t know?

(I’m a philosopher and historian of biology, interested in all things evolutionary, #genetic, or #cognitive. I find most things ridiculous.)
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
We are really happy to announce that our collective book is now available online! 👇 For those who still prefer physical books, pre-orders for the print edition are also now open! 📚👇 #philsci #histsci #philsky
If Alondra Nelson is not enough for you to support Biden I don’t know what will.
A packed auditorium for third keynote of #SSHM2024 (with the European Association for History of Medicine and Health), Professor Alondra Nelson @the_IAS ‘Reimagining Resistance’ #histmed
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
The erasure of the emoluments clause was how they paved the way for absolute immunity.
Remember in 2016 when there was a lot of pressure for Trump to divest from his private business because it's unethical for a president to make money off the presidency especially while in office, but then he just refused to do it and now people don't even really care anymore?
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Maybe THIS will be the dumbest thing I read today: Florida’s education commissioner announced Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as a book of the month to “highlight the importance of American pride.” Can’t make this stuff up. H/t
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Fyi to journalists: Hillbilly Elegy is not about the brave nobility of rural poor/working class people. It’s deeply insulting to rural poor people - presenting them as lazy addicts who rely on welfare instead of working. The book is about how amazing Vance was to escape that backwards culture.
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
“conspiracy theories are not random things that we believe for no reason, but they feed on our beliefs, values, and commitments. The theory “makes sense” to us and vindicates our perspective on the world, often making us feel better connected with the social groups we already belong to”
What can we learn from Trump assassination attempt conspiracy theories: #philsky
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Somehow missed that this was out! The Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on the Evolution of Language are now online, with 559 pages (129 papers & abstracts) of cutting edge research on language evolution! #language #linguistics
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Congratz ! Amazing work!
Yesterday, I gave a talk about Agnes Arber and her understanding of teleology in plants at the #HOPOS2024 - my first talk at a scientific conference ever 🤓 Very happy that it went so well and that I was in such a great session about the philosophy of biology! #HPBio #PhD
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Today, I'll be discussing the Buffet Approach to #OpenScience in Cologne (virtually): In addition to #ShamelessSelfPromotion this is a shoutout to the brilliant organizers, and your prompt to start your own local #Reproducibilitea journal club
ReproducibiliTea in the
Mental state: wolf (that’s the opposite of flow, if you are wondering).
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Advance copy just arrived from, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the job they have done! Official release is September 3, but it can be preordered now at a nice discount (see next post).
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Biological scientists interested in discussing philosophical or theoretical issues with philosophers, historians, social scientists, and like-minded biologists should consider submitting proposals. You'll find a welcoming environment. #evbio 🧬 🖥️ 🌍 #plantsci #botany #microbe
The 2025 The International Society for the History, Philosophy, & Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) biennial meeting will take place in Porto, Portugal, 20–25 July. Call for session proposals & papers with submission deadline 1 November, 2024 #hpbio #philsci #paleobio #histsci
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
I think basically everyone agrees these divides are untenable and unrealistic in modern politics, where split ticket voting has all but disappeared where you come down on Biden right now basically depends on if you think he’ll trend towards the Senate candidates or they will trend toward him
Just huge gaps between the presidential & Senate races in today's 7 state polls. In 5 YouGov polls, the gap between Biden's deficit in the presidential race & Dems' leads in Senate races ranges from a net 11% to a net 15%. In 2 Siena/NYT polls, the net gap is nearly identical: 11% to 14%.
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Sometimes you see something and it just speaks to you.
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
10th Integrated History & Philosophy of Science Conference (&HPS 10), California Institute of Technology, March 27-29, 2025. Submit abstracts by August 18, 2024 (Website not updated but submission link here: #philsci #histsci
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
Someone was passing this list around yesterday so I saved it for future use
What’s the best *current* take on moralizing high gods and social complexity?
Vote for Biden to own the libs!
The coverage of Hillary’s emails in the mainstream media was so bad that progressives decided they have to create their own progressive media ecosystem. Fast forward eight years and they’re discussing Biden in precisely the same terms that the NYT does.
Reposted byAvatar Ehud
I have a new chapter out in the fantastic book “The Riddle of Organismal Agency” edited by and I argue that behavioral novelties may provide a unique window that reorients the study of animal behavior within the context of organismal agency.
Interesting. No way am I going to read the whole thing, as it’s way too long, but from the parts I read it seems to be sorted according to how relevant the books are to American social concerns. Legitimate choice, of course.
I bet Dean Phillips is feeling pretty silly right now.