Dušan 🇷🇸

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Dušan 🇷🇸


Hi there! I'm a software developer from Belgrade, Serbia. I build stuff, primarily with Go. I sometimes engage in political commentary. My opinions are my own.

Fediverse: fosstodon.org/@dusnm
Blog: dusanmitrovic.rs
One of the more interesting perks of running a website is that the access logs sometimes contain interesting things. Imagine my surprise finding this in the access log: GET /.vscode/sftp.json One of the more creative attempts of gaining unauthorized access to SSH I've seen in a while. #webdev
In this piece, I wrote about how anti-vax beliefs have been mainstreamed by our media: www.thegauntlet.news/p/liberals-j... The story below is a great example of what I’m talking about. “Sickness builds the immune system” is an anti-vaxxer lie. Much of the public believes it now.
Recently discovered this progressive metal masterpiece and I can't stop listening. Somber, beautiful, touching, but aggressive at the same time. This is why progressive metal is my favorite genre.
Caligula's Horse - Bloom & Marigold (Video Lyric) HDwww.youtube.com ► Band : Caligula's Horse► Genre : Progressive Metal ► Album : Bloom► Release date : 2015► Country : Australia► Get it at : https://www.amazon.de/Bloom-Calig...
Ok #atdev?! How is this 2FA exactly? How is this not a totally insecure implementation? Whatever happened to TOTP? If you know most people reuse passwords, why don't you assume the user's email is likely compromised as well? TOTP is borderline impossible to spoof without the shared secret. Use it.
Still only 300 characters. Are we still stuck in the microblogging era out of sheer inertia? Sometimes it feels like it. Think about it, if we had a couple thousand at our disposal, multi post threads would not be a thing.
End of feed.