Julia Doubleday

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Julia Doubleday


Writer of The Gauntlet, about COVID and public health. Read it at www.thegauntlet.news
Wheelchair users are not exclusively paralyzed. There isn’t reliable data for it, but many, many of us are ambulatory (can walk sometimes, either for short periods or on good days). When you accuse someone of faking because you saw a leg move, you’re not taking into account a variety of conditions.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Btw we have known this for years, immunologists at major hospitals have been treating patients w these issues. But Ryan lied and lied to his audience, claiming covid is “mild” and can’t cause immune harm. It’s straight up denialism. Do not listen to ppl like him they’re in conspiracy land 😵‍💫
400,000 people died of COVID under trump. 800,000+ have died of COVID under Biden The reason Biden can’t touch COVID is that his team spent 4 years trying to get you to not notice that Wrote a timeline of the normalization of forever reinfections here: www.thegauntlet.news/p/how-the-pr...
How the press manufactured consent for never-ending COVID reinfectionswww.thegauntlet.news Continual reinfection was not the "new normal" Biden advertised. How did we get here?
Also read this excellent @juliadoubleday.bsky.social piece about how liberals and leftists (incl people like Ryan), are boosting false and dangerous ideas about disease that serve as the bedrock of the anti vaxx movement. This is why what he's doing is so bad: www.thegauntlet.news/p/liberals-j...
Liberals joined conservatives to mainstream anti-vax beliefs about viruses and public healthwww.thegauntlet.news Viruses are bad for kids' health. Public health is a collective effort. Liberals no longer believe either.
Something policymakers still refuse to understand is that if you get COVID twice a year, you could be sick for ~4 weeks. And that's before even factoring Long COVID. That's a lot of lost productivity, and is a huge survival threat for people with lower income.
Even if you choose to be in denial about the large continuing burden of COVID deaths and Long COVID, allowing the majority of the population get sick with COVID twice a year has a hugely detrimental impact on society. We need long-term and sustainable COVID protections.
Everywhere you go without wearing an n95 is a place you’ve decided disabled people don’t belong. Masks don’t mean giving up your life. Failing to mask means forcing that on disabled folks. “But in a mask it’s hard to—“ Yup. So join the fight for disability justice, better tools, a better world.
the horror hidden inside this story is that these numbers of early death +workplace-induced disability are considered "cost of doing business" while systemic overhaul of food production to meet our era's unprecedented conditions is not even considered so, it's gonna get worse.
"Heat exposure is the leading cause of death among farm workers, whose average life expectancy in the US is a mere 49 years... This is equivalent to the average life expectancy in the country in the year 1900."
Extreme heat wave claims 33 lives in western US as Biden administration promotes inadequate “heat protection rules”www.wsws.org At least 33 people have tragically died since the beginning of July in California and Oregon as some 161 million people remain under heat advisory warnings.
A commenter on TikTok asked Imani Barbarin if there is a way to call someone stupid for not voting without being ableist. Imani: Why do you feel you need to be able to call someone stupid? If your goal is actually to get them to vote, why do you need to insult them? And do you think it will work?
i have some bad news for you about the actual capitalism that we are currently living under
the origins of hot girl summer was coded to glamorize the effects of climate change.
i think a lot of the teeth gnashing we're seeing is liberals experiencing for the first time what progressives and the left have always experienced. you're not in control, they'll destroy you too
I have been working on a story about carbon capture for like three months because I keep thinking "it cannot possibly be THIS much of an absolute shit show" and figuring I must be missing something or misunderstanding something and then every new expert I talk to tells me it's even worse
It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
400,000 people died of COVID under trump. 800,000+ have died of COVID under Biden The reason Biden can’t touch COVID is that his team spent 4 years trying to get you to not notice that Wrote a timeline of the normalization of forever reinfections here: www.thegauntlet.news/p/how-the-pr...
I get why this is the case, but it’s so wild that one million Americans died of COVID because of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, and it’s not even remotely an issue in this election. What a country!
How the press manufactured consent for never-ending COVID reinfectionswww.thegauntlet.news Continual reinfection was not the "new normal" Biden advertised. How did we get here?
AB Acute Care Outbreaks: so depressing. week after week I report, week after week no policy change. ongoing outbreaks. Ongoing preventable illness and deaths of vulnerable patients. And HCWs. Taking a couple of days off to dino hunt. See you on the flipside.
Everyone is one illness away from a disability. Period.
I wasn't medically vulnerable (or so I thought) until I got COVID. You don't really know that you're not either, even if you've had COVID before. I think that woman who knowingly went to ALA with COVID deserves scorn, but what about the people who didn't care enough (5/7)
When the american liberals use France's election as an illustration of the need to VOTE, they ignore that people were not only voting against the far right but *for* something. They voted for a campaign which promises to: increase minimum wage, lower retirement age, pay for all childcare, etc
You guys need to let me know when the cat pics become too much. I’m not going to stop, but it’d be interesting
Y’all masking? Every time. I have long COVID and it devastated me. I was disabled before, but nothing prepared me for the way long COVID and the resulting diseases stole everything from me. I spend what little energy I have trying to keep people from getting it. And yet, they fight prevention.
Ok I'm going to be corny and start a thread. Masking in public is hot!! Quote-post with your hottest masked photos, friends, I wanna see em 🖤😷
When the France election results are good
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.
If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
This photo is pure 2024.
New study by Linsey Marr: “We aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 & pulled it through masks. After 1hr we were able to recover infectious virus from fabric masks but not an N95 or surgical mask. When we pressed artificial skin against the masks we found viral RNA but no infectious virus on the skin.” #MasksWork
Stability of Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 on Masks and Transfer to Skinpubs.acs.org The potential for masks to act as fomites in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been suggested but not demonstrated experimentally or observationally. In this study, we aerosolized a suspension of SAR...
Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year. Source: www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-...