Dusty Poncho

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Dusty Poncho


State Socialist, writing a story about a salamander that suddenly learns to think.
Case #11847 of suicidally depressed people trying to ruin the world for the rest of us.
lol whatever. Who cares. Trump is going to win because the 81 year old can’t just fucking retire, and then I’ll kill myself when the hormones I take become illegal. I literally do not care anymore. Both sides controlled by the dumbest cults. Who cares.
Here we see a supposed leftist deferring to the millionaires and billionaires as rightful arbiters of our political representation.
After reading that Clooney piece where he says that like every dem party elite hes talked to privately thinks biden has to go, its pretty clear the nyt made this counter not bc they have a vendetta against biden but instead bc of how many reps privately are saying to reporters he should step down
Democracy understanders online
What are you talking about? There wasn't an open primary. Biden ran virtually unopposed. The DNC gaslight the electorate by hiding his increasing frailty and inability to communicate. And he only has a 50% favorability rating within democratic voters?
Now who's this handsome devil?
"Existing oppositionally means you have no actual ethos." Kettle, pot.
People like this think "do something" is a meaningful call for action and don't care if the "something" is a really bad idea.
I don't understand. So you disagree then? Do you say we should use less renewables and go back to more coal because storing electricity is too hard and not worth the costs?
Excerpt from Salamander Story
Please note that the Musgrave Pencil Company is a federal contractor. According to this very sane person, if you sell pencils you are a genocider.
It doesn’t matter that it’s “one fact.” Being a child rapist, for example, is one fact. One fact is absolutely enough to judge someone when the one fact is unforgivable. I don’t care why someone makes genocide tools. Nothing justifies it.
new excerpt of Salamander Story
doodlin a lil map for myself so I don't miswrite where things are as the story progresses
non-americans telling americans not to vote democrat case #99493
He is too fucken old. No amount of denial is going to change it. His hubris will hand the election to Trump. As a non-American this is terrifying.
Recent Excerpt from Salamander Story
My quality of life has gotten better under California's Democrat governance actually.
If you haven't noticed the incessant decline in quality of American life regardless which of two parties is in the House, I can"t help you. Hell, I thought for sure you would have figured it out when women lost reproductive rights with a Democrat at the wheel.
angloids telling americans not to vote case #84827
I'm in the UK. The election tommorow is going to be won by one of the two right-wing austerity parties, both of which explicitly reject trans people's right to exist. Sorry I'm not as enthused about "Voting as a tactic" as you are.
live unedited schizo moments 2024
guy 1 (basically just about to ask other guy if he wants to come to his bbq): got any plans tonight? guy 2: yes - I am going to go online where I have been pretending to be taylor swift talking about computer network stuff for 10 years to scold people about voting. guy 1: I am not having a bbq
Another excerpt from my salamander story
Writing a story about a salamander that suddenly gains the ability to think and gets very full of itself as a result. Currently doing a fight between the salamander and a large mantis that dared to steal some snails the salamander had piled up for later.
lol. lmao.
Since I'm not paid to correct your workings, I asked GPT4 to do it for me. It came up with a far more plausible figure, suggesting that you are innumerate. Please be advised that: environments are as ridigidly predictable as you assume; a 100% potato diet would leave humanity severely malnourish.
Just completely cooked in the brain with campist brainwashing. "I hate AOC" You hate everything good in the world.
i like AOC and would rather have her there than not but there’s a lot of back slapping going on in this thread about pragmatism when it’s pretty clear the american left is as far removed from power as it’s ever been and won’t be getting better soon. medicare for all is basically a fairy tale now
Peace in the Eastern Mediterranean