
I have discovered the key to avoiding trolls on the internet is to spend 75% of your time posting on social media and writing blog posts about music that no one who follows you cares about and no trolls are searching for posts to jump on about. I write for me. It's amazing I have any followers.
The one exception to this being the insane number of old white men finding a 7 year old blog post on a Cure concert last year and yelling at me about what an idiot I was because they thought it was about the Cure show last summer I wasn't at because I was on vacation.
Nevermind they're the idiots that can't check a date on when a blog post was written especially when it clearly is talking about a different concert. But no please tell me I'm the idiot for saying they didn't play "Friday I'm in Love" at the concert I was at when they did at yours. 🙄