
I feel like we’ve reached a whole new level of horrible when people not only knowingly attend a large conference unmasked with COVID but then go online and blog about how they did it. Really glad I didn’t attend ALA.
Even more grateful that I only attended the one day AND that I masked up! Whew!
Is there a link to this?
I don’t have a link to it and I gather the person has updated the post since it blew up online but there are lots of people with screenshots of it before it was changed.
I wasn’t at ALA but plenty of my coworkers were and Covid is spiking in my library system. I’ve worked so hard to keep from bringing Covid to my vulnerable family members. This is maddening
Oh, yikes. I have not seen this discussion yet. What a mess. I hope not too many people get sick.
I’ve seen lots of librarians posting positive tests post conference. I’m sure they didn’t all come from this one person and the conference was in San Diego which has high rates now anyway, but I just can’t imagine doing that.
Hooooooly shit??? (I'm glad you didn't, too!)