
So here's the thing: my wife is an insane elder space demon who loves flags and I have misplaced the necronomicon containing the summoning sigils and incantation of control. There are, admittedly, some demonic flags on our lawn. This does not make me any less capable of doing my job
I liked how his first instinct when his possessed wife told him this is to assume it was some kind of new kinky roleplay
Mile O'Brien has seen some shit. Don't forget he served under Riker for years.
Jadzia says Klingon women are a lot of fun at parties and Miles does this knowing little nod and chuckle while waggling his eyebrows suggestively and I just wanna know WHAT DOES MILES O'BRIEN KNOW ABOUT KLINGON WOMEN AT PARTIES?
Literally, the dialogue went: "KEIKO": I'm not Keiko. O'BRIEN: Ohhh, who are you then? ;) "KEIKO": Listen carefully, Miles. I have taken possession of your wife's body. I will hold it hostage until you do everything I tell you do accurately, and without question. O'BRIEN: Oooh, everything? ;)
Miles: *gets tortured in a Cardassian prison and convicted in a show trial* Keiko: "I'll make it worth your whi-ile" πŸ˜šπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Miles: *has memories of being in prison for 20 years implanted into his brain* Keiko: "ohhhh, so you're a hardened ex-con, how often did you work out in the yard?" πŸ˜šπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Always loved Rosalind Chao's performance as possessed Keiko in this episode, and the way she delivered these lines with such nonchalance
I wasn't mature enough to appreciate Keiko first time around (in retrospect I'm not convinced all the people who got to write her were), fortunately I grew out of it. πŸ––
It's never mentioned on the show, but she probably has a PhD in botany. She was a botanist on an exploratory starship that visited strange new worlds all the time. I didn't appreciate until I entered academia that she essentially followed her non-com husband who was reassigned to a distant outpost.
This is amazing. I never realized this until now. This leads me to believe that Miles and Keiko have a rich and fulfilling sex life. No wonder she gave up her job as a botanist on the flagship of the Federation to follow him to the ass-end of space.