
Stating once more for the gd record that moving forward, cats and dogs will not appear on-page in my published stuff without it being made perfectly clear that they are FINE Mostly because I’m just real bored of the thing where as soon as they show up in most horror, you know they’re doomed
Animal abuse/murder isn’t a trauma thing for me and it’s also not necessarily a deal-breaker but I REALLY like to know if it’s in something so I can make an informed decision about it, because it can absolutely kinda ruin my day (Never going to forgive The Collector for a specific scene)
Legitimately doing something kinda transgressive as a horror writer by having a cat appear prominently early on in the story, get pets, and then wrapping up her part by having her be totally happy and fine while both my main characters end up skinning themselves alive (Still editing this one)
Breaking the "Kill Your Strays" stereotype ✊
It’s lazy and boring and it sucks!!
I, for one, appreciate it. My husbands & I have a very tight relationship with our dog & given how I STILL react to grief scenes in media 5+ years after dad died, an “on-screen” death/mutilations of a dog would make me burst into despairing tears, not feel horrified/terrified.