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Sad Monster and resident coffee gremlin what writes about uncomfortable subjects and fantastical things that lurk in dark places.
|| https://linktr.ee/dyrewrites ||
Nathaly--the littlest vampire--amuses me so I am sharing a few snips of how they meet her. #snip #beforedeluca #amwriting #vampireromance
Ludovico has healing kisses, because I said so (there is actually a complex explanation I have worked out but it boils down to because I said so). #WIPSnips #beforedeluca #amwriting #vampireromance
Reposted byAvatar Dyre
Tiny snip from something different, but similar. The detective series that the vampire romance ties into. >.> #WIPSnips #bloodhound #amwriting #vampiredetective
The #WIPSnips word for July 16th is "unfortunate" This one comes with an earworm, too! #amwriting #writingcommunity #writers #writingprompts #authors
My son was asking me to do something for him, that he was capable of doing himself, and I said, "Sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of old men having sex in my head." He lost the ability to breathe for laughter and ended up doing the thing himself. I win. Thanks to gay vampires.
The ridiculous over the top thing Ludovico does with the flowers is probably my favorite of his grand gestures. Horrible mess, surely, but so pretty for the moment. #WIPSnips #beforedeluca #amwriting #vampireromance
Welcome to Week 44 of #WIPSnips The WIPSnips word for Monday, July 15th, is "praise" I didn't have an earworm for this one, until suddenly I did... #amwriting #writingcommunity #writers #authors #writingprompts
Hey, when you decide you have to be Homer and go on a magical sea voyage, sometimes you lose half a century on a living island. That's just how these things go. #WIPSnips #beforedeluca #amwriting
May have the start of a new #horror #shortstory >.>
Big sad vampire can't shut up about how beautiful his husband is.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Trans girl with creepypasta-addled goblin brain goes urban exploring, it goes perfectly fine (no it doesn’t)
We have 'sizes' instead, and a snippy vampire in need of some beauty sleep. #WIPSnips #beforedeluca #amwriting
The #WIPSnips word for July 13 is “dimension” #amwriting #writingcommunity #writingprompts #writers #authors
The summer sale is over! Thank you everyone who bought bundles of spoops from me. If you're reading this, I hope you enjoy them.
Don't make the origin of your vampires 'desire' unless you want to write a lot of sex and blood and violence and horribly obsessive, all-consuming loneliness and yearning. Or do, because it is ridiculously fun.
Someone bought my #queerhorror bundle today. If it was you, know that I love you.
Thanks for hosting! Was fun as always.
TIME’S UP! Thank you for joining tonight’s #WeeknightWriters chat! If you want to support the work that goes into this chat & get cool perks like a Discord server with nightly writing check-ins, check out our Sustaining Membership Program - starting at just $1.50/month! ko-fi.com/weeknightw...#WeeknightWriters chat! If you want to support the work that goes into this chat & get cool perks like a Discord server with nightly writing check-ins, check out our Sustaining Membership Program - starting at just $1.50/month! ko-fi.com/weeknightw...
Support Weeknight Writers on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/weeknightwritersko-fi.com Support Weeknight Writers monthly on Ko-fi and get rewards.
Reposted byAvatar Dyre
The Amelia Temple Series: Gay Nancy Drew meets The X-Files with a touch of Cthulhu! Beneath Strange Lights and Against Fearful Lies are available wherever books are sold; Book Three releases March 2025
Q5: Let’s get some folks reading your work! If you’ve got a story or book published, tell us about it & be sure to share a link! #WeeknightWriters
The Amelia Temple Seriesmybook.to Visit Amazon's The Amelia Temple Series Page and shop for all The Amelia Temple Series books. Check out pictures, author information, and reviews of The Amelia Temple Series
Reposted byAvatar Dyre
Reposted byAvatar Dyre
A5: If you like Women with swords Vampires Quests to destroy ancient magic You’ll love Moonshadow's Guardian On Amazon: mybook.to/moonshadowsg... And elsewhere: books2read.com/u/mVBOkJ #WeeknightWriters
Q5: Let’s get some folks reading your work! If you’ve got a story or book published, tell us about it & be sure to share a link! #WeeknightWriters
Moonshadow's Guardian: A fantasy horror novelmybook.to Read it now
Reposted byAvatar Dyre
#WeeknightWriters I recently compiled three of my Kestrel and Scar novelettes into a single collection, now available as a paperback and e-book: www.amazon.com/dp/B0D8DKCMKT
Q5: Let’s get some folks reading your work! If you’ve got a story or book published, tell us about it & be sure to share a link! #WeeknightWriters
Amazon.com: The Lady's Favour: A Kestrel and Scar Collection: 9798329707120: Roberts, A. J.: Bookswww.amazon.com Amazon.com: The Lady's Favour: A Kestrel and Scar Collection: 9798329707120: Roberts, A. J.: Books
I have four short stories and a novella, I'm told they're #queerhorror which is a new genre I didn't know was a thing until this year (kind of assumed all horror fell into that). They're on sale just now even. >.> #WeeknightWriters dyrewrites.itch.io
Q5: Let’s get some folks reading your work! If you’ve got a story or book published, tell us about it & be sure to share a link! #WeeknightWriters
Amber Reinkedyrewrites.itch.io
I have so many to read I could blindly wander through the house and find something. But my next one is "What Feasts at Night", chosen by my sister buying me it for my birthday, and it's the sequel to the last one I read. #WeeknightWriters
Q4: How do you choose your next read/what are you planning to read next? #WeeknightWriters
@tkingfisher.com's "What Moves the Dead". I'm not usually a fan of retellings, I don't even remixes all that much...but I love the author and read it anyway. In maybe a day? I couldn't put it down. #WeeknightWriters
Q3: What’s the most recent book you read and loved? (The one you read most recently, not necessarily the one published most recently) #WeeknightWriters
A mix! A lot I have are gifts or recommendations, and my friends are into indie books while family tend to send ones by established traditional authors they know I like. #WeeknightWriters
Q2: Do you read mostly indie books, traditionally published books, or a mix of both? #WeeknightWriters
I'd say widely. When I read (can't read while drafting, brain selfish and wants only own stuff in it). I have mostly fantasy and horror on the shelves, but also some classics, some sci-fi, comedy, a few that might be romance. If it looks neat, I'll read it. #WeeknightWriters
Q1: Do you read widely across genres or do you tend to focus on one or two genres? #WeeknightWriters
'Ello, #WeeknightWriters! I am a sad monster what has become addicted to vampires. Currently working on a tell-all from a middle-aged vampire's perspective about him and his maker/lover, and a tie-in series wherein he is a detective. Writing week is going well! Except today. Today I am melting.
Hello #WeeknightWriters! Come on in, introduce yourself and your WIP, and let us know how your writing week is going! Or not going, that's valid too
#summersale ends tomorrow, so if you like #queerhorror that will spook, depress and/or disturb you...I have some stories you might be into. >.> (these are #ebooks it says games for unknown reasons) itch.io/s/126126/sum...
Summerween 2024itch.io A bundle by Amber Reinke, $5.96 for 5 games
--Lucient returned to me, grabbing hold of my arm and squeezing in close, “Greek, treasure, have you had any dealings?”-- #WIPSnips #beforedeluca #amwriting
The #WIPSnips word for today is "stumble" The secondary game is "Guess the earworm this word gave Rose this morning" 😂 As a side note, I will be going to a Writing Conference the next three days. I will try my best to post on time, but I make no guarantees. #amwriting #writingprompts
Reposted byAvatar Dyre
It's ok if you haven't finished your novel yet. It's ok if you haven't made the bed. It's ok if you haven't broken free of your chrysalis, unfurled your great black wings, and spread moss & gloom across the wildlands. There's still time.
Surprise! That game with a content warning for being horrible and difficult is horrible and difficult. Fear and Hunger 2: Termina is the game. It's actually my kind of horrible, and I expected to die often but apparently am not in the mood for it...so it is back to writing now. >.>