Roxanne Rorickson 🦖 Author

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Roxanne Rorickson 🦖 Author

Indie author, gay internet bird 🏳️‍⚧️ She/her, 30+
Fantasy series ONYX CROWN available on Amazon!
On a day when a giant multinational union-busting corporation is having a sale I would just like to praise some awesome indie bookstores, starting with where I will be next week (July 23) with Max Gladstone. And in Arizona has been awesome for decades (More)
Copper Dog Books | Beverly's Downtown Copper Dog Books is an independent bookstore located in downtown Beverly, Massachusetts, offering high quality customer service to help you find Books, Toys, Puzzles, Games, and more! We also speciali...
Hi, I'm a disabled trans woman in the UK. I'm applying for PIP due to long COVID exacerbating existing symptoms. I'm a freelance journalist, but work has been hard to find even when I can do it. I'm asking for mutual aid to help with living expenses. Thank you. 💞💸
Pay tiny goblin shop using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
I’m balling my eyes out I hate this world so much
Can't pick just one prehistoric animal to write a horror story about, so I may just write a dino/dino-adjacent-themed mini anthology 🤷‍♀️ #HorrorWritersChat #writingcommunity
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
If you haven't read LEARN TO HOWL, the ebook is $2.99 all July! Allie didn't know she was a werewolf, and now she has to catch up quick
Baying the Moon is OUT TODAY!! The story that started in Learn to Howl continues!
Gonna be honest, I'm currently having a hard time focusing on my bigger writing projects, which all deal with pretty heavy themes. Kind of want to write lighter stories for a bit.
Just thought of a way more interesting opening for Horror WIP 2 than the (admittedly kind of boring) one I was already writing! Can probably salvage most of that first chapter as well, so I'm basically getting to have my cake and eat it too. #writingcommunity #queerwriters #horrorwriterschat
Thread. The argument that you're going to defeat capitalism by pirating the work creative people make is obnoxious. It's not going to end capitalism, you're just going to insure that artist has less wherewithal to create the art you want (but don't want to pay for). Foot, shoot, etc.
Look, I’ve made it a practice to not care about individuals pirating my books, and to make my books available DRM free everywhere possible, for a lot of reasons, including my not actually caring and also not having any executive function.
Apparently, it is Nonbinary Day, and I happen to be nonbinary and an author! Check out my latest books where basically everyone is queer, plus both leads are ND, and there's murder, mysteries, monsters, and more🫀
THE REANIMATOR'S HEART is out in ebook, audio, & paperback! Grab your copy if you want 💀Pushing Daisies x Sleepy Hollow 🫀An autistic necromancer ⚰️His reanimated crush 🪦And the crimes that bring them together 🏳️‍🌈MM paranormal romance in 1890s NYC Book 2 is out now & 3 in Oct 🌈📚
Actually, I do have one: if you know where the story or chapter is going, try writing out of order and filling in after. If there's a particular scene you've been working in your head, don't wait 'til you get to it. Just write it now! That's legal! Obvs YMMV, what works for you is your process
I don't really have a lot of pro writing tips, but my decision to have the viewpoint character be clearly haunted during what I feared would be the boring set-up bits is definitely helping!
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. Trans girl with creepypasta-addled goblin brain goes urban exploring, it goes perfectly fine (no it doesn’t)
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly. transfem lesbian fuckgirl seduces a princess
Someone posted this RE: rpgs but honestly it’s also what real life feels like
Hello friends! Are you bad at promo graphics? I can help! I take moodboard/aesthetic commissions, and I’m also now open for TROPE MAP commissions! For only $3 you can get either thing! All imagery sourced from stock! #writers #writingcommunity #queerwriters
Amara Lynn's Ko-fi Ko-fi Commissions Open! Click to see Amara Lynn's commission menu.
I want to buy a cheap beginners synth and start playing around with it but have no background in music. Time to inhabit the transfemme stereotype of making fucked up experimental music? 🤔
Posting again, because-- If you've ever wanted to support up-and-coming trans fem science fiction writers, and get some great stories by big names as well, your chance ends in THREE DAYS!
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
the plot of "no country for old men" is about starting HRT because you dont want to die as an old man. i figured this out based on the title
Fascists vs. Gay Furries is a war older than you'd expect and just as one-sided as you can imagine. Thank you for your service gay furries, thank you. 🫡
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I enjoy: Paleontology Writing/reading genre fiction Urban legends and folklore Horror movies Tea and coffee Figuring myself out Kaiju stuff Digital art Metal, synth, and alt pop music FPS games
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I enjoy: Discovering the woman I am Architectural/landscape lighting Photography Legos Intellectual masturbation My mac & cheese Scotch, wine, and beer, in that order Cooking and eating fussy stuff Reading/watching *good* sci-fi/fantasy Horny fun times
#30days30lines Finished writing ch 1 of Horror Project 2 today! Already happy with how this project is starting off ^v^ #queerwriters #writingcommunity #amwriting
FUN FACT: Did you know that The Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization? FUN FACT: They are not allowed to participate in political campaigns. Directly OR Indirectly. FUN FACT: IRS Form 13909 Exists. Do with this info as you will.